Overall time to progression for all patients was 13 months, but it was longer in patients with tumor-only mutations than in those with tumor and serum mutations.
The median time to progression - the primary end point - was significantly longer (9.8 months) among those on the combination, compared to those on docetaxel alone (7.0 months).
Our study addressed the question of whether prolonging chemotherapy after disease response or stabilization is associated with a prolongation of survival and time to progression.
Drawing meaningful comparisons between images of the same person taken over time as a way to detect problems, assess treatment effectiveness, and monitor progression of disease.
PFS was defined as the time from randomisation to disease progression or death as assessed by the treating physicians in the study (investigator-assessed).
Rather than thinking about activism as a sequence of unrelated, one-at-a-time actions, this framework lays out a progression of seven stages to becoming a media-savvy and responsible consumer.
Primary efficacy endpoints were overall survival and time to symptomatic progression.
Questioner: What is the position of this planet with respect to the progression of cycles at this time?
But the treatment loses its effectiveness over time and does nothing to slow the disease's progression.
Try to find great melodies that work over the chord progression you're playing, and the speed will come in time with enough practice.
AIM: to probe into the dynamic progression of the space time distribution of neuronal apoptosis and necrosis in rats after focal cerebral infarction and compare their space time correlation.
Please grant the Company ample time to conduct the investigation. However, you may call the relevant department to follow up on the progression of the complaint status.
This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the progression-free survival time of PCa patients after endocrine therapy in an attempt to improve the prognosis of the disease.
Dynamic data allocation and data progression allow a user to acquire a disk drive later in time when it is needed.
Dynamic data allocation and data progression allow a user to acquire a disk drive later in time when it is needed.