America's Songs: the Stories Behind the Songs of Broadway, Hollywood, and Tin Pan Alley.
The songs popular with youth, you may have noticed, belie the old Tin Pan Alley cliche that a hit can't be MADE on the theme of married love.
It was differentiated from the typical tin pan alley popular music of the times by dark tonal qualities which were the result of mixing major, minor and 7th chords with the music.
That doesn't mean people are going to be writing and singing and performing the way he does, but they're not going to be performing anything like the world of tin Pan Alley before Bob Dylan.
That doesn't mean people are going to be writing and singing and performing the way he does but they're not going to be performing anything like the world of Tin Pan Alley before Bob Dylan.
That doesn't mean people are going to be writing and singing and performing the way he does but they're not going to be performing anything like the world of Tin Pan Alley before Bob Dylan.