Although I've lived blocks from a major fault line for more than 12 years, I still haven't bolted our bookcases to the living room wall.
It seems to be a short step from believing that every event has a cause to believing that every disaster is our fault.
But perhaps Plutarch is suggesting something slightly different, something a bit closer to Marcus Cicero's claim that one should "criticize by creation, not by finding fault."
Plutarch is suggesting something slightly different, something a bit closer to Marcus Cicero's claim that one should "criticize by creation, not by finding fault."
In this case, instead of invoking the receive activity in the main scope, we have to raise a fault in the event handler.
This provides an alternative to using a fault handler for the task.
In such a complex environment, you may be faced with an overwhelming excess of information with which to diagnose a fault.
First, in this example, you need to add a fault handler on the selected BPEL activity to catch the exceptions it throws.
But a better approach is to adopt a no-fault system, as has been tried here in New Zealand since 1974.
It’s not easy to find fault with a child’s effort to reclaim his lost parent.
There, a dedicated technician tests the drive to see whether a detected fault is likely to recur.
XML happily permits a number of errors that, although not sufficiently grave to cause a software fault, nevertheless impede smooth reading.
Called by the methods when they need to generate a fault, need to provide a common way to create, and need to log any faults that are returned.
She is a physicist by training, methodical to a fault and ultra-cautious; faced with conflicting advice, her instinct is always to put off a decision.
The business process also has a snippet component, which you can use to raise a fault and to demonstrate a global transaction rollback.
He's also a likable guy in private conversation: very smart but alert to what you're saying and self-deprecating to a fault.
As a sub-exercise, let's alter the PHP script to cause a fault and see how to debug it.
The phrases most used to describe a man who was generous to a fault are "old curmudgeon", "wicked old man", and "wicked old wizard".
最常用来形容一个人对过失很大方的词就是一个“倔老头' ' ',' ' ' '邪恶老人”,和“邪恶精灵' ' ' '。”
Sometimes, to foreigners, Japan's societal rules seems orderly and conformist to a fault.
Perhaps it was inattention to detail — a fault Sam has had since he was young.
On June 23rd a leading seismologist described one of Fukui's reactors, Tsuraga-1, as particularly dangerous because it is old and close to a fault line.
Replication in Mnesia is one of the mechanisms used to provide a fault tolerant DBMS.
Kind to a fault and intellectually keen, Ben was the longest-serving Hampton House employee in living memory.
When neither "panic" or "fatal" are found, sometimes a core dump will contain a reference to a "segmentation fault" in a function.
Tall and slender almost to a fault, she possessed in the highest degree the art of concealing this oversight of nature simply by the way she arranged the clothes she wore.
Loyal to a fault, the syndrome's sufferers are shy to ask for what they want and easily discouraged from further action if they don't get it.
Loyal to a fault, the syndrome's sufferers are shy to ask for what they want and easily discouraged from further action if they don't get it.