Highly motivated students find learning pleasant and rewarding, and therefore maintain a strong desire to acquire new knowledge and skills, and enough courage to meet new challenges.
As new ideas appear all the time, we always need to acquire new knowledge, regardless of our age.
As a effective tool to acquire new knowledge, abduction is different from deduction and induction.
To acquire new knowledge, they often need to find and understand the previous discoveries of others.
When reading other people's articles do not just want to read to acquire new knowledge, new ideas do?
At the beginning of this alliance, our organization frequently interacts with our partner to acquire new knowledge.
Safe and confortable window niches support individual contemplation and the IT learning labs inspire students to acquire new knowledge.
One should have a higher education, a good education background because people look at the problems, will be more rational and comprehensive, has a strong ability to acquire new knowledge;
Not only can it bring a great deal of information in a comparably short time, but it may also enable us to acquire new knowledge visually and acoustically, taking advantage over other media.
The New School of Pipsology is designed to help you acquire the skills, knowledge, and special abilities to become a successful trader in the foreign exchange market.
Always strive to acquire new skills and knowledge available through education and training.
In any academic area or professional field, it is just as important to recognize the limits of our knowledge and understanding as it is to acquire new facts and information.
In any academic area or professional field, it is just as important to recognize the limits of our knowledge and understanding as it is to acquire new facts and information.
Besides relieving stress, young people are able to acquire knowledge about new subjects and find kindred spirits at the same time.
Therefore, translators and interpreters cannot afford to be lazy. They must make an effort to acquire these new branches of knowledge.
This thesis discusses the new idea of Taigu School on studying phenomena to acquire knowledge and their syncretism with Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.
A method of acquiring new uncertainty rules by the generating ability of the neural network is also discussed. Hence the knowledge system is enabled to acquire knowledge automatically and...
To acquire Kansei information effectively in the conceptual design, a new method of association rule mining for Kansei knowledge based on rough set theory was proposed.
To acquire Kansei information effectively in the conceptual design, a new method of association rule mining for Kansei knowledge based on rough set theory was proposed.