Use it to glean a mailing or email address so you can contact the person directly.
An alternative design would be for the application to directly send the email since the application now has the customer name and email address isolated.
The buffer address is actually a user-space buffer, so you won't be able to read it directly.
Libraries address so many different memory issues that it's difficult to compare them directly; common rubrics in the domain include garbage collection, smart Pointers, and smart containers.
Once the class has been resolved, the original code location is modified in a thread-safe way to access the static field's address directly because that address is then known.
Not sure what the Church of APP will make of it, but I imagine there will be calls to see how these needs can be address directly in APP rather than outside of it.
For example, if you call on a DNS resolver to get information (such as the canonical name of an IP address), remember that this data might be directly provided by an attacker.
“Wouldn't it be better to address the question of subjects directly—which ones, for how long and what to specify?” asks Alan Smithers, of Buckingham University.
Google also will bring the service to its Chrome browser, where users can search directly from the address bar.
TwitterBar, the first OneRiot partner, is a Firefox add-on that allows users to send Twitter updates directly from the Firefox address bar.
I've come here tonight not only to address the distinguished men and women in this great chamber, but to speak frankly and directly to the men and women who sent us here.
When accessed for the first time, the proxy asks the Hibernate session to query the Address object and then defer all future calls directly to the queried instance.
Obama published the plan on the revamped White House website, which, together with his YouTube address, marks a bold new media strategy to pitch ideas directly to the American people.
In this case, you need to change your project name to use the IP address directly.
Therefore, if you want to store only one byte, if you tried to do it directly on an unaligned address, it would both go into the wrong location and clobber the remaining bytes in the quadword.
This means that we have to manually rewrite the stack to fake a return address so that the tail-called function will return directly to our parent.
Of course, this does not directly address the problem of not writing data blocks in time, but writing metadata more frequently does encourage data to be written more frequently as well.
The modeler can then navigate directly to the parts that play those roles to determine how the service specifications that type those parts might need to change to address the change in requirements.
There's no rule that says you politely have to wait for someone to directly address you and ask your opinion on something.
If you were writing applications to run directly on the processor without an OS, you could use all memory that the processor can address (assuming enough physical RAM is connected).
The high-minded tactic is the White House’s redoubling of efforts to address the concerns of Americans directly.
Any vendor's response to your RFP should directly address your stated needs.
Officials also wanted to directly address the parts of AIG's business that were causing the most financial pain to the company.
A popular technique in Android applications is to link to Google Maps to display an address directly within an application.
We assume that Posts-R-Us decided to start building a service Oriented Architecture (SOA) so they could create a set of services to directly address business-related problems.
我们假定Posts - R - Us决定开始构建面向服务的体系结构(SOA),以创建一组直接解决与业务相关问题的服务。
It's difficult to generalize because Web sites vary so much, but one approach is to perform the search directly on the site, then see if you can capture the resulting URL from the address bar.
It's difficult to generalize because Web sites vary so much, but one approach is to perform the search directly on the site, then see if you can capture the resulting URL from the address bar.