When we're too collaborative, we want everyone to agree with a decision before we proceed.
Should you find yourself on the receiving end of this kind of complaining, there's an ingenious way to shut it down which is to agree with it, ardently.
Of the 300 employees participating in the study, those who experienced high levels of telepressure were more likely to agree with statements assessing burnout.
I pretended to agree with everyone around me to avoid the risk of disagreement.
When two people are keen to agree with each other, they would likely, though unconsciously, adopt the same posture as if in imitation of each other.
So I'm inclined to agree with Scott.
So far, judges have tended to agree with the 1910 precedent.
But I should say that the crucial point isn't for you to agree with me.
Still, the other etymological sources I checked seemed to agree with the OED.
CLIVE HARRIS: Derek, I don 'd like arguing with you, but I have to agree with don.
Like Mr Obama, Mr Rubio is good at seeming to agree with people without actually doing so.
From what Phil Woolas is saying this morning he appears to agree with us now - that's fine.
从Phil Woolas今天早上说的来看他现在看起来同意了我们-这很好。
Mr Obama seems to agree with Mr Bush that public criticism of Mr Chavez is counterproductive.
Nowadays, you don't always have to agree with your parents, your boss, or other authority figures.
I don't agree with everything in it, but I'd be mad to expect to agree with every point in such a book.
Gu gradually came to agree with his girlfriend that rejecting meat was the right thing to do and quit.
I tend to agree with my favorite cartoonist, Hugh Macleod, when he says that's just not how great ideas work.
Admittedly, most individuals will find it difficult to agree with my beliefs and stay a vegetarian for life.
But I happen to agree with those who say that 99% of people who try to generate serious income from their blogs will fail.
不过,我还是很赞同这句话的- - - - - - - 99%的想要尝试通过自己的博客来赚钱的人都会以失败告终。
You don't have to buy into the premises of the mediaeval Parisian clerics to agree with their conclusion and admire the result.
Now that your listeners know your specific purpose, the next step is to present evidence that will convince them to agree with you.
But I think this is one case where I have to agree with the inevitable comments and say this cure sounds worse than the disease.
It is hard not to agree with Ms Evans, that children from broken homes are almost always more distressed than their parents realise.
"There's no underlying policy logic, " Grimmelmann tells Ars. "It's just courts distinguishing precedents they don't want to agree with."
And I have to agree with him; I've had terrible luck spotting shooting stars in the light polluted LA skies, let alone cloudy British skies.
I have come to agree with many of the criticisms of XML namespaces and dearly wish for a cleaner mechanism that was well established in tools.
The irony is that most members of Congress seem to agree with that proposition-they just seem incapable of working out how, exactly, to do it.
He doesn't feel obliged to agree with others, but respects their right to their own convictions, without trying to force his own views on them.
Insgroupsto convince listeners to agree with you, it is essential to first make them trust you and to see you as a person who thinks as they do.
Insgroupsto convince listeners to agree with you, it is essential to first make them trust you and to see you as a person who thinks as they do.