To an outsider, the issues that we fight about would seem almost laughably petty.
Their jargon is impenetrable to an outsider.
To an outsider it may appear to be a glamorous job.
To an outsider it seems innocuous.
To an outsider, Chengdu might be a City of Mahjong.
To an outsider, thestrikingthingisthe prevalence of assertion andtheabsence of facts.
You know it, even if it looks to an outsider like you tried hard, you know if you broke.
To an outsider, the striking thing is the prevalence of assertion and the absence of facts.
I believe that to an outsider, who didn't know the secret, the house would have appeared to be empty.
Ms Battaglia admitted some of their correspondence while planning the shoot would have seemed absurd to an outsider.
To an outsider, the manner in which Dutch national teams regularly fail in major tournaments is hard to comprehend.
Observations, which to an outsider might sound like simple things, are often remarkably difficult, and depend on complex models to make any sense at all.
One of the oddest things to an outsider about the United States patent system is that it is impossible for the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) ever to finally reject a patent application.
He was an outsider in the race to be the new UN Secretary-General.
With other audiences you mustn't attempt to cut in with humor as they will resent an outsider making disparaging remarks about their canteen or their chairman.
We use bonding humor to enhance our social connections, but we also may employ it as a way of excluding or rejecting an outsider.
As an outsider, you can step into that business situation and use adaptive thinking to truly add value to these teams.
Mr Palmer’s book set a standard for an east European historical novel that has yet to be matched—an especially impressive feat for an outsider.
帕默先生的书为东欧历史小说树立了一个标准,一个迄今还无人企及的标准 -- 一种对外行来说印象特别深刻的本领。
In doing so he made himself sort of an outsider to traditional Russian ways of looking at this thing.
As an outsider, I find the meticulous attention to detail and the patterning of the surface, and the long continuity of Jomon traditions, already very Japanese. Professor Takashi Doi again.
Nokia is reportedly seeking an outsider to revive it. Bad idea
I asked him why he was willing to share so much with me-an outsider from the other side of the globe.
When you do more non-design things, you more frequently come back to your design work with an outsider perspective.
You begin to see the societies as both an outsider and an insider.
If one thing stands out from Mr Lewis's account of how a few individuals made fortunes from predicting the crisis, it is that it pays to be an outsider.
My father taught us to adapt to any environment — be involved with things because you want to and be good at it, as opposed to being an outsider.
“He would remain an outsider in this world of letters, confined to existential purgatory,” writes Mr Lenzini: “He was not part of it. He never would be.
Mentoring (by an outsider in particular) is seen as one way of helping them to view the wider context of change in which their businesses are operating.
Mentoring (by an outsider in particular) is seen as one way of helping them to view the wider context of change in which their businesses are operating.