We try to answer phone calls as they come in, but sometimes we are on the phone with other customers at the time you call.
The answer to this question can give insight into everything from how long the workdays are to how many after-hours phone calls you can expect.
It operates on its own or in tandem - allowing you to answer or place calls without having to take out the larger phone.
Back then members of Congress were expected to come home during vacations and the long summer recess, to answer their mail and phone calls, and to see their constituents when they came to Washington.
One answer: Use cell phone calls or text messages to confirm banking transactions independent of computers.
This was the pre-cell phone era, so I would usually answer his calls and then have to go find him in the studio.
If he refuses to answer your phone calls, just persist until he does answer.
I hand my phone to my girlfriend all the time, to answer my calls or to just read out a message while I drive, she does the same too, because I know I have nothing to hide.
Fred's mother calls Fred to answer the phone.
For several years, my job was to answer all viewer phone calls and mail concerning the daytime television soap operas our company produced.
For several years, my job was to answer all viewer phone calls and mail concerning the daytime television soap operas our company produced.