Nixon: "We do not claim to astonish the Russian people."
Grandet sat twiddling his thumbs, lost in calculation the results of which were to astonish Saumur one day.
As for the bushels of sketches and studies which Millet produced in the last six weeks, well, it would astonish you to know the figure we sell them at nowadays.
Darwin's intellect, humility (" it is always advisable to perceive clearly our ignorance ") and prescience astonish more as scientists clarify, in detail he never imagined, how much he got right.
The ass in astonish is supposed to mean "out" so astonish is said to mean thunderstruck.
Much to my astonishment (astonish), she still remembered my name!
Rubbish bins: Use Astonish Cream Cleaner inside and out to keep your bins lovely and fresh.
All these changes will lead to a stronger, more confident China, a China that can astonish and enrich the world, a China that your generation will help create.
All these changes will lead to a stronger, more confident China — a China that can astonish and enrich the world, a China that your generation will help create.
All these changes will lead to a stronger, more confident China, a China that can astonish and enrich the world, a China that you generation will help create.
He purposed to both charm and astonish me by his appearance.
All of these changes will lead to a stronger, more confident China a China that can astonish and enrich the world, a China that your generation will help create.
Theduke answered, Once that bird starts to fly and sing, it will astonish the world.
Predicts Kosnik, "If she decides to become an entrepreneur, she's going to come up with something that will astonish us all."
Predicts Kosnik, "If she decides to become an entrepreneur, she's going to come up with something that will astonish us all."