I vowed to start with the simplest of all: cacio e pepe, a dish said to attain perfection through the use of only three ingredients: pasta, cheese and pepper.
But if you are going to lose these qualities in trying to benefit your city, what benefit, I ask, would you have done her when you attain to the perfection of being lost to shame and honour?
To listen closely and reply well is the highest perfection we are able attain in the art of conversation.
仔细地倾听和恰到好处地回答,是我们所能达到的谈话艺术的最高境界。 罗什富科。
Do not judge, but seek to attain your own perfection. Yours is the only soul you can save!
If can follow the ideal life, the integrity and freedom of spirit, courage of perseverance, honest and self deception and the line of thinking and to attain to perfection.
If can follow the ideal life, the integrity and freedom of spirit, courage of perseverance, honest and self deception and the line of thinking and to attain to perfection.