Another common gripe about American nursing homes is that their residents are still all too likely to be rushed off to hospital as they begin to die.
Then Israel said to Joseph, "I am about to die, but God will be with you and take you back to the land of your fathers."
For our purposes, the crucial point is to see that what seems to be going on there is our hero is taking the place of somebody else who's about to die.
At an age when most teenage girls are thinking about school, boys and pop music, Hannah Jones is hoping only to be allowed to die with dignity.
More than 600,000 people were estimated to be infected with HIV, about one-third of them expected to die from TB.
More than 217, 000 new cases are expected to be diagnosed in the United States this year and about 32, 000 men will die from the disease, according to government estimates.
You'll have to be just about dead to qualify, but if you do qualify a doctor will be lawfully able to give you the drugs that will be needed to allow you to die.
So I shall die, said the little mermaid, and as the foam of the sea I shall be driven about never again to hear the music of the waves, or to see the pretty flowers nor the red sun.
This might be the scariest thing about death: coming to die only to discover, in Thoreau's words, that we haven't lived.
If we could stay as vigorous as we are at 12, it would take about 700 years for half of us to die, and another 700 for the survivors to be reduced by half again.
"So I shall die," said the little mermaid, "and as the foam of the sea I shall be driven about never again to hear the music of the waves, or to see the pretty flowers nor the red sun."
So, when we're about to save somebody's life, should we decide not to do that on the grounds that it must be God's will that they're going to die?
So, when we're about to save somebody's life, should we decide not to do that on the grounds that it must be God's will that they're going to die?