Therefore all these messages (A.K.A. responsibilities) need to be assigned by the software engineer to build a flexible and maintainable system.
The next factor to be determined is whether the goals should be assigned by a manager or collectively set in conjunction with the employees.
This will also be assigned by the connection-initiating host, because this is the only one that knows where it "wants" to connect.
By default, an LDAP property will be assigned to a predicate that has a literal resource.
Each endpoint in a group can be assigned a specific value for the maximum number of concurrent requests, to account for the fact that they are hosted by more or less powerful servers.
Stevens students regularly switch classes to be with their countrymen rather than stay in the ones they've been assigned by their advisers.
Each widget must be assigned a unique name or key used by SLIK to identify a specific widget.
These interfaces could be derived by creating lists of tasks assigned to roles in the business process.
Each partition can be assigned to a separate server to handle the client load or to accommodate limits on the number of entries that can be stored by a server.
While the target variable is guaranteed to be only assigned once, the delegate may be called by multiple concurrent threads unless a synchronization object is passed in.
However to restrict management of logical volumes by administrators in granular fashion based on the required resources, domains can be assigned to them.
Just like ordinary computers in a physical test lab, virtual machines might be used by individuals during work hours and assigned to nightly regression tests during off hours.
Whatever your approach, the goals must be communicated clearly, the receiver must understand the goals, and the goals must be followed through on by the people to whom they have been assigned.
Since automated deployment requests may be initiated by multiple sources, a mechanism must be employed to ensure that physical and virtual resources assigned to a system are unique.
When goals aren't assigned deadlines or schedules for completion, they tend to be overtaken by the day-to-day crises that invariably arise in an organization and eventually are forgotten.
These roles could be derived from the business process by examining the tasks assigned to the roles in the business process swim lanes.
The task could then be managed by a call center where a HIPPO employee could log onto the system and see what task she has been assigned to.
User preferences defined in the XML descriptor of the gadget, which can be assigned a value by passing the name of the preference, preceded with _up, as a request parameter to the service.
在小部件的XML描述器中定义的用户首选项(可以通过传递首选项的名称分配一个值)前面有一个_ up,作为服务的请求参数。
If you do not specify an expression for Allowed members, all members of the dimension are considered to be accessible by a role that is assigned the policy.
If the constructor arguments are to be accessed by any other method of the class, they must be assigned to declared attributes.
If the optional var attribute is specified, then the resource bundle identified by the basename attribute will be assigned to the variable named by this attribute's value.
It turned out that in our case, the documentation and i386 RPM tasks could be combined and handled by a single guest. Here are the guests and tasks assigned to them.
You can create new layers by clicking the + button to the right of the existing layer names. Each level can only be assigned to one layer at a time.
Note: In some cases the size displayed by the db2mtrk tool will be larger than the value assigned to the configuration parameter.
注意:在某些情况下,db2mtrk 显示的大小会大于指定给配置参数的值。
Your virginity can only be given once to one person - and you want to give to the right one assigned by God.
童贞只能给一个人,也只能给一次- - - - - -你们肯定希望把它交给那位上帝为你们指定的人儿。
An instance of the test class represents a test that can be assigned to a machine. A test instance is uniquely described by its id and name, as shown in Listing 3.
The password assigned to the Customer shall be unique to the Customer and shall not be provided by either party to any other party except the Customer and the Developer.
A dated inspection label or other suitable identification of compliance must be affixed to each item upon passing the inspection by the assigned facility Tool Inspector.
In other words, a struct value can be assigned to a struct variable only if every field of the struct may be legally assigned individually by the program.
All contacts to the buyer should also be conducted in written to the representatives assigned by the company.