In addition to previous history of accumulation, the fear had to be attributed to its proper family education measures.
Its tremendous fat oxidizing phenomenon is believed to be attributed to augmenting the release of potent thermogenic enzymes through liver function.
Much of the marble coldness of Hester's impression was to be attributed to the circumstance, that her life had turned, in a great measure, from passion and feeling, to thought.
Much of the marble coldness of Hester's impression was to be attributed to the circumstance that her life had turned, in a great measure, from passion and feeling to thought.
In part, this stress can be attributed to the overlords' failure to adjust to a rapidly expanding economy, but the stress was also due to factors beyond the overlords' control.
It would be nice if we all received automatic pay increases equal to our merit, but "nice" isn't a quality attributed to most organizations.
These results hold even for immigrants who moved 20 years before they were surveyed; they cannot be attributed to people not having had time to adjust their views.
They cannot be attributed to people not having had time to adjust their views.
Of these five years, about two years can be attributed to an effect of alcohol intake. The remaining three years can be attributed to an effect of wine consumption.
But another part can be attributed to the slow-down in the US and most of Europe that seems to be getting worse rather than better.
He suggests that current economic problems could be attributed, in part, to managers who failed to do this.
She added that research suggested just 14% of children's achievement could be attributed to lessons in school, with the rest down to their home environment and other influences.
To a large extent, this can be attributed to the fact that not everybody has the same opportunities.
Now, at this point I have to make the obligatory disclaimer that no individual weather event can be attributed to global warming.
Given the large number of agencies and initiatives working to improve health, not all of the major recent achievements can be directly attributed to WHO.
But the limiting factors can be attributed to the various components used in the middleware stack, which is required to run SOA applications and the legacy applications that run in production.
Most of the deaths from the storm can be attributed to one location: the Florida Overseas Railroad, an evacuation train that was sent down from the mainland to rescue stranded residents and workers.
In the case of this latest discovery, a fossil attributed to a dinosaur was determined to be a bird.
Of 53 goals scored in the group stage, 23 could be attributed to a greater or lesser extent to goalkeeper error.
To a large extent, this shift in the disease burden can be attributed to some powerful global forces that are shaping health conditions everywhere.
When the same behaviours, thoughts and feelings can be attributed to more than one condition, it can be difficult to determine the cause.
In addition, it is estimated that several thousand deaths annually can be attributed to exposure to asbestos in the home.
Mr Mollick found that some 30% of differences in revenue between games could be attributed to the producer and the designer alone; and that the lion's share of this variation was due to the producer.
But according to FGV, about one-sixth of the poverty reduction can be attributed to Bolsa familia, the same share as attributed to the increase in state pensions-but at far lower cost.
但是根据FGV调查,减贫的六分之一要归功于Bols afamilia,同时,它也为也为国家养老金的贡献了相同的比例,但是金额要低得多。
I should not take my work all the credit for their wisdom, but also be attributed to me to provide me with material things and thousands upon thousands of characters.
I should not take my work all the credit for their wisdom, but also be attributed to me to provide me with material things and thousands upon thousands of characters.