Among those ruddy eggs heated by the fire, a new Phoenix comes to be born again.
He was the Resurrection and the Life, the Good Shepherd, the God who made men and women to be born again.
There is always the chance that enough offspring will be born to return them one day to their natural environment - provided it still exists, and that hunters don't kill them again!
When so many old structures break apart it is not easy for the human being to understand what must happen so that the Earth can be born again.
Then Manoah prayed to the Lord: "o Lord, I beg you, let the man of God you sent to us come again to teach us how to bring up the boy who is to be born."
Great writers are supposed to be born, not made, but again there are many fascinating exceptions.
It may migrate from the human body to an angelic body and then come down on the human plane, or to the animal plane and be born again as an animal.
I believe everyone who comes to you will be born again and start a new life.
There is always the chance that enough offspring will be born to return them one day to their natural environment – provided it still exists, and that hunters don't kill them again!
If I have to lie, steal, cheat, or kill, as God as my witness, I 'll never be hungry again. Out of this complete defeat a new and mature Scarlett is born.
If I have to lie, steal, cheat, or kill, as God as my witness, I 'll never be hungry again. Out of this complete defeat a new and mature Scarlett is born.