China's first Mars mission is expected to be carried out by 2020.
But what if these doctors could pool their knowledge and experience together and create a surgical standard of care, to be carried out by machines?
The committee was also charged with several other tasks, to be carried out in succession.
The above steps need to be carried out for retrieving the full information about a binary file.
Translation: public buy-in is vital if the painful cuts needed after the election are to be carried out.
They also see a need for unified growth plans to be carried out to prevent a similar surplus problem.
Many cancer patients have to travel to a hospital each week for simple cell counts to be carried out.
Policies in the Normal form are how the basic operation of the policy processing is to be carried out.
To see whether any form of geoengineering could work, though, small-scale experiments need to be carried out.
Step (2) sets the HTTP method to POST which determines the operation to be carried out by the RESTful service.
Other challenges include the need for more clinical trials and research to be carried out on paediatric medicines.
And they are often strung out pointlessly: 90 hours of community service, for example, to be carried out over two years.
It has also been claimed that yogurt may protect against some types of cancer but more investigations have to be carried out.
I shall also try to illustrate a set of activities (at a broad level) that need to be carried out to complete a SOA initiative.
Local work and pilot studies need to be carried out to engage policymakers at a country level and provide them with evidence, he added.
As discussed earlier, you can use UML for modeling some AUTOSAR templates, but more detailed design is required to be carried out in the DSL tool.
One of challenges faced by the team is finding a way to link multiple biological logic gates together to enable complex processing to be carried out.
The only change (in 1965) has been to require senators to shuffle out of the door when they turn 75 rather than waiting to be carried out feet first.
OCCI presents a simple representation of storage management capabilities. This allows for the most basic storage-related operations to be carried out.
After 10,000 work permits have been issued a monitoring procedure is to be carried out to determine if there is further need for computer specialists.
But it was only when a visiting scientist arranged for tests to be carried out at a German laboratory that the true nature of their plight became clear.
Now this experiment just happened to be carried out by manipulating the stereotype of attractiveness but the same rule applies to many different areas of life.
Moreover, it can move the DNA in both directions, which would have the huge benefit of allowing error correction to be carried out, says Stephen Rossnagel of IBM.
In the middle of the SQD is the reservation servlet, which is a controller that knows the steps that have to be carried out to allow a customer to reserve a vehicle.
It is almost inevitable that, when an emergency deployment needs to be carried out at 2am and the developer can't be reached, the Operations staff will make mistakes.
Although the test appeared to be accurate, further, larger studies need to be carried out to find out whether it can detect cancers that have not been diagnosed already.
Although the test appeared to be accurate, further, larger studies need to be carried out to find out whether it can detect cancers that have not been diagnosed already.