Every time you are near Just like me They long to be close to you Why do stars fall down from the sky?
You mentioned you have a boy. I imagine you'd like to be fairly close to a school.
Sometimes it seems that you're not as close to your parents as you used to be.
Put on the dress you want to wear for the event, but protect the part that will be in close contact with the makeup (you really would not want to smear your dress before the party, would you?)
Schedule time when you'll be available, and let colleagues know, to avoid constant interruptions. Close the door if you need to.
It could be normal, everything, that would be a Gaussian, where if you recall there was a mean, and a standard deviation, and most values were going to be close to the mean.
To be honest with you, she's always been very close to me and William. But no, she's not the wicked stepmother.
While you do want to be close to others, you feel uncomfortable with too much closeness and tend to keep your partner at arm's length.
If you determine that the JDBC connection was not handled properly and the owning application "forgot" to close it, you have discovered a resource leak that needs to be fixed.
Of the items you cannot decide today, define the specific action items that will close the gap between where you are and where you need to be to make that decision.
You may be accustomed to having a sense of security based on the stability of predictable interactions with people close to you.
To get the most out of acclimatization, your indoor runs should be as close as possible to your race because you do lose the benefits you gain if you don't maintain the heat exposure.
You might also be able to close some of the projects in your workspace if you do not require all of them to be open at once.
But as mentioned earlier, for probes like these where you want to monitor a specific area of functionality, you should be as close to the real operation that you want to monitor.
When life gets you down, when your hurt or angry or confused or frustrated, take a moment to stop and close your eyes and find things to be thankful for.
Maria: I'd be happy to open the window while you are away. I'll make sure to close it before you return.
You would be wise to pay very close attention to your gut feelings regarding anything that relates to your home life. Children factor strongly.
This month you seem a bit concerned about money, but with Venus orbiting close to Mars in May, you should be able to uncover several new good sources of income, too.
The bonus: Physical activity helps you feel good about your body, and more likely to want to be close.
Whatever the reasons, you may decide that 100% coverage of unit tests is not appropriate, but you certainly expect it to be close to 100%.
You have to remember that for a healthy relationship, no matter how far or close, you must be willing to let go.
This is when you need to be slow to take action, but to pay close attention to the "feelings & vibes" you might pick up... Important insights can be gained at this time.
In fact, because you're so close to the sea you can almost expect the food to be fresher.
You should change the default location in the find.php script to be close to where your articles have specified, or you should add lat and lon parameters to the web page URL.
您应当将find . php脚本中的默认位置更改为接近您的文章所指定的位置,或者您应当将经纬度参数添加到web页面的URL中。
You need to spend at least a semester getting close to the machine or you'll never be able to create efficient code in higher level languages.
"That's realistically portrayed in the film," says Borkar. "the truth is, if you're close enough to a bomb to be touching it with your hands and it goes off, no gloves are going to help you."
"That's realistically portrayed in the film," says Borkar. "the truth is, if you're close enough to a bomb to be touching it with your hands and it goes off, no gloves are going to help you."