When people today are shown a very ordinary Roman pot and, in particular, are allowed to handle it, they often comment on how modern it looks and feels, and they need to be convinced of its true age.
Some analysts are yet to be convinced.
He has yet to be convinced of the merits of self-repairing tunnels, however.
She "remains to be convinced" that the EU needs its own military headquarters.
This is just in case you failed to be convinced of the arguments in chapter ii.
Therefore, developers need to be convinced that they should adhere to standards.
If you have faith, you only need to be convinced to pay the Federation of return.
However other experts remain to be convinced, and have expressed concerns about safety.
But even then, in seeing it, I would have to be convinced there weren't any tricks involved.
But there is a group that has yet to be convinced: the powerful Association of Chief Police Officers.
And how are all those dataset-using developers now going to be convinced the EF is the right way to go?
They were all open aisles and it did not take long to be convinced that the gloves were not in sight.
And therefore You knew what I would need to hear - from Your Word - to be convinced of Your love for me.
We had sent scouts to watch him maybe 50 times but after that of course I have to be convinced as well.
They are willing to be convinced with new data that they are wrong, but the bar for that is fairly high.
They are willing to be convinced with new data that they are wrong, but the bar for that is fairly high.
But Christie said before the association could support a ban, it would have to be convinced of the science.
Before stumping up a loan for a wind project, Banks need to be convinced that a site has sufficient wind resources.
They need to be convinced that their own and Europe's prosperity "depends fundamentally on overcoming this crisis."
But the medical community will still need to be convinced about the need for the new technology and about its safety.
Whilethe results look promising, the test group was very small, andindependent experts in the field have yet to be convinced.
After the discovery of zinc finger protein, people began to be convinced that zinc regulates vital movement via zinc finger protein.
Some within NYSE Euronext remain to be convinced that equities, derivatives and other products can be squeezed onto a single trading platform.
In both cases the investor profits financially, entrepreneurs are requested to deliver certain information and investors need to be convinced.
Dan Yu: while, you don't need to be convinced of the lvoe story of cinderella , that forever lasting love stroy had been lack faith in everyone in nowadays.
International investors and the bond markets need to be convinced that the U.S. is serious about fixing this problem and that it has a credible plan to do so.
It doesn't mean that my mind is closed; it means that I'm not going to be convinced out of an idea or a feeling simply for the sake of social form or expectation.
It doesn't mean that my mind is closed; it means that I'm not going to be convinced out of an idea or a feeling simply for the sake of social form or expectation.