The tools used are said to be equivalent to the earth digging and moving.
This is said to be equivalent to about one-tenth of the total used by restaurants.
In terms of multiconvexity and linear matrix inequality, this problem is proved to be equivalent to an LMI feasible problem.
Three people who work full time are to work together on a project, but their total time on the project is to be equivalent to that of only one person working full time.
The pain of losing one’s favourite pet is unlikely to be equivalent to the pain of losing a relative, but then on other occasions and for some other people, perhaps it may be;
They eventually located a number of variants located near a gene called TERC which, in people carrying them, seemed to be equivalent to an extra three or four years of "biological ageing".
他们最终发现与生物衰老过程相关的基因变异位于一个名为TERC的基因附近。带有这种 基因的人类,要比普通人早三到四年进入“生物衰老期”。
Parents who allow their children to be exploited in this way face, in addition to as many as six years in prison, the equivalent of a $500 fine.
Equivalent German models tend to be heavier and slightly less easy to use, while the American versions are considerably more expensive.
This is causing three million tonnes of carbon dioxide stored in the soil to be released every year, the equivalent to the average emissions of 350, 000 households.
The output from the function can then be used as input to another function taking XML arguments, or it can be cast to an equivalent SQL data type.
GE expects its 40-watt equivalent to cost $40 to $50, while both Osram Sylvania and Philips think initial retail prices could be about $60.
The average intake for people proved to be about 74 grams of added fructose per day, an amount equivalent to 2.5 soft drinks.
Almost 2 trillion euro of public debt has to be raised by the euro area, Britain and Switzerland this year, equivalent to 17% of their combined GDP.
If you specify the precision to be a value of 23 or less, the FLOAT (val) is equivalent to a REAL; if the precision is between 24 and 53, the FLOAT (val) is equivalent to a DOUBLE.
如果指定了小于等于23的精度值,FLOAT (val)就等价于REAL;如果精度在24和53之间,那么FLOAT (val)等价于DOUBLE。
But after a big revaluation, China's budgets in these areas would be equivalent to about a quarter of those in the US - enough to seem like a real competitive threat.
Download the equivalent layers and radar return image for your area, and you'll be ready to move on to the next step.
The above example (Listing 12) provides a very simple method to generate a table with an internal structure that can be used to generate the equivalent XHTML.
Vasopressin seems to be a key to attachment in male rodents. Oxytocin is the female equivalent.
They say they can scale it up for use in air conditioning, and aim to build 3.5-kilowatt devices – equivalent to a basic home model – which could be dotted around buildings.
The hacienda of El Huique, Chile's nearest equivalent to a British stately home, was so badly damaged that plans to restore it have yet to be drawn up.
Equivalent changes need to be made to fix the remaining three compilation errors.
Yet publishers hope that tablets will turn out to be the 21st-century equivalent of the printed page, offering them compelling new ways to present their content and to charge for it.
To shake up the industry, SuperBulbs' designs would need to be the equivalent of 60 watts and higher.
Social bookmarking: Consider E-mail to be the digital age equivalent to being hassled by petitioners with clipboards on street corners.
The net return to the seller is the price less the tariff, which is why this can be equivalent to buying at a lower price.
According to Tyack, the individually distinctive calls of dolphins may even be equivalent to names.
According to Tyack, the individually distinctive calls of dolphins may even be equivalent to names.