This data strategy needs to be founded on clear, agreed-upon principles, such as the following.
The road to success must be founded on the principle of partnership and on a deep sense of justice and responsibility.
And now, as surely as the Lord lives-he who has established me securely on the throne of my father David and has founded a dynasty for me as he promised-Adonijah shall be put to death today!
Having taken on grizzled bare-knuckle fighters like Messrs Welch and Ellison, the trustbusters in Brussels are hardly going to be scared of the callow youths who founded Google.
This country was founded on hard work and it really feels good to be a part of that.
She's believed to be the first woman presenter to wear the headscarf on state television since it was founded in 1960.
Your business should be founded on the idea that there is a better way to do things.
This country was founded on hard work and it really feels good to be a part of that.
I have the limits of authority that carries out DDL statement on this piece of watch, and the lock that also did not prevent it to be founded afresh on this piece of watch.
The target is developing SSL module on router, making it run as a SSL server. Then a secure channel will be founded to ensure the security of information transferred between client and server.
The responsibility rule with the positive deal cost and oligopoly should be founded on the basis of the fundamental model and loosening the control to attain the new equilibrium of the market.
But it was precisely the unpredictable idiosyncratic nature of a policy founded on this illusion that needed to be overcome.
As the way to control and be in the world, language is founded on the being of Man himself and internal to the process of Man's being.
According to the overlaying out of isoline chart founded on Se index line and KSD endemic chart, a fact will be found that the border of KSD endemic basically answers for the isoline of Se index 3.0.
Technical analysis is founded on the belief that past trading patterns can be used to predict future moves.
This understanding is generally founded on the principle of functional necessity: international organizations need immunity in order to be able to perform their functions.
So Bill Gates to health and longevity will be more than 280-year-old is well-founded, he benefited from the focus on health and abundant wealth and future of high technology.
According to the analysis of the applied forces on the molten poor at arc root the theoretical function in which the arc erosion of metal droplet ejection can be characterized was founded.
According to the analysis of the applied forces on the molten poor at arc root the theoretical function in which the arc erosion of metal droplet ejection can be characterized was founded.