The cycad lovers cause cycads to be in danger.
What causes cycads to be in danger?
Up to half of the world's 6, 000 amphibian species are thought to be in danger of extinction.
For a club like Portsmouth to be in danger of disappearing, it is part of the history of the game that goes.
Both wore shirts of worn leather beneath cloaks of dark brown wool, but their swords were sheathed and the fat man did not look to be in danger.
The proper time for receiving this holy anointing has certainly arrived when the believer begins to be in danger of death because of illness or old age.
Nearly a third of all amphibians assessed by the IUCN are under threat, though that pales by comparison with the three-quarters of plant species found to be in danger.
The story from the point of view of food perspective, they are simply about purchasing home, did not expect to be in danger of being swallowed, alive, mutilatio situation.
Plants can't run away from danger, so investing energy in a body system which recognizes a threat and can feel pain would be a very poor evolutionary strategy, according to the article.
The word came to be associated both with a loud sound and with danger! When someone speaks of a "jovial mood" or a "herculean effort," he or she is using words with origins in mythology.
If fish are able to remember that a certain area contains (容纳) safe food, they will be able to go back to that area without putting their lives in danger.
Yet despite the danger that this could be a significant problem, there is a worrying unwillingness among some in the scientific world even to examine the claim.
Fear can be a guiding friend if you learn how to swallow it, and listen to it only when it serves its true purpose of warning you when you are in danger.
There is also a danger, however, in setting the bar too high, for markets would also be unnerved if many banks were to fail their tests.
People considered a danger to society should be kept away from society, re-educated as far as possible and in cases where this is not possible, simply kept away, as they already are.
The danger, they say, lies not only in pilfered secrets, but also in the public revelation that a half-century of laser failure seems to be ending.
Monk parakeets, which have established colonies in the home counties, are to be culled because they are alleged to pose a danger to crops, the electricity grid and native species.
Nuclear power "s danger to health, safety, and even life itself can be summed up in one word: radiation."
Everyone knows a military strike against its nuclear sites would be fraught with danger, not least that Iran would soon be back in the nuclear business with bigger scores to settle.
With half of all marriages doomed to fail, even the moderately hardheaded may be interested in ways of mitigating the danger.
Power to much of the area has been cut and it is not yet clear how many of the missing are in danger and how many simply cannot be contacted.
They often detail the moment during an unfolding tragedy or danger when the human mind gives in to hope, only to be the more bitterly disappointed.
She returned to Texas for medical assistance and the doctor there said that she would be in danger of death if the infection spread.
But if the laws were repealed tomorrow, most of the nations of the world would make no move to take advantage of the respite, and any that did would be in danger of finding their credit vanishing.
Studies on the effects on animals can be more controlled, but there is always a danger in extrapolating the effects on animals to those on man.
Jack tells Teri not to let anyone near Janet because she may be in real danger.
Ali showed us animal tracks in the desert and talked about setting traps for wolves, which could be a danger to his family.
Ali showed us animal tracks in the desert and talked about setting traps for wolves, which could be a danger to his family.