Some applications have changed their default behavior to be in these lists of choices automatically at all times.
For example, users can customize the data to be displayed in their personal default view when using the system and apply different presentation styles to different data elements.
In fact, in this example, you will even supply a default URL to navigate to, should none be supplied.
Also Annotation support can be implemented to assist the developers in creating default configurations without specifying it in the configuration files.
If a reference to a table is not qualified in the DAD, it will be assumed to reside in the specified default SQL schema.
And they're also more likely to default because they're getting loans they really shouldn't be getting in the first place.
You can specify if a wrapper is to be executed in the fenced mode by setting the DB2_FENCED wrapper option to ?Y? (default setting for this option is ?N? for trusted).
您可以通过将 DB2_FENCED包装器选项设置成“Y”来指定是否以隔离模式执行包装器(该选项的默认设置是“N”,即受信任模式)。
In the examples shown below, the deployment manager is assumed to be running on the default port on the same host as the session in which the script is being executed.
The euro is supposed to be a common currency in which people can do business. Sometimes, business involves default. It's not supposed to be any more complicated than that.
The test environment needs to be setup according to database.yml specifics as provided in the default configuration generated by the rails command.
需要根据 database.yml设置测试环境,database.yml 是rails命令生成的默认配置。
Thus the above requirement will force vendors to extend their GSS-API framework to support SPKM and LIPKEY in addition to Kerberos, which will continue be the default GSS-API mechanism.
因此,上述要求会迫使供应商扩展GSS - API框架,以支持Kerberos之外还支持SPKM和LIPKEY,而Kerberos将继续作为默认的GSS - API机制。
This happens to be the default, so in most cases there is no problem.
In this file, you define the logging handlers to be used and their default logging level.
Hereafter, whenever users log in and try to create workspaces, they will be able to see these changes by default.
While the default setting should perform well in most cases, some tuning might be required to get the best performance.
Those names could be stored in the default localization file, even if there is no plan to provide actual localization.
This approach is useful when other applications need to invoke or interact with the application in question and expect it to be residing at its default location.
After completing Step 1, by default all the subunits in the subunits list table will be converted to fragments.
Further details on Security and how to customize the default portal behavior will be given in a future article of this series.
The fallback scheme permits a single viewer to handle all rule result rendering, yet allows alternate viewers to be attached anywhere in the tree to override the default behavior.
In cases where the string cannot be converted to an integer, a user-specified default int is placed in the target field.
If a restructuring is to take place, how could it be best designed to incentivise bondholders to monitor default risk in the future?
Objects or attributes relating to features in the new version will be set to default values that ensure minimal changes in behaviour.
If you absolutely need a tag to be rendered in a precise way, do not count on the browser's default behavior; specify your needs in CSS.
HATS is shipped with a default rendering set that will be applied to any "unrecognized" screen in your HATS application.
The requirement attributes will be set to the default values as defined in the requirement type.
However the restructuring is pitched, Greece will be in default, so a plan to recapitalise banks hit badly by this, starting with Greece’s own, will be needed too.
In addition, by default, every branch encountered by the SPU is assumed to be not taken, including unconditional branches.
Those enable you to be functional in society, but can also fuel one's "default mode" of self-centeredness and self-absorption to an extreme degree.
In addition, the default scenario needs to be considered if no search parameters are given.