I don't want to be stuck in an office all my life—I want to live!
The decision appears to be a face-saving compromise which will allow the governor to remain in office.
They are hoping that once in office he can be persuaded to moderate his views.
The editor's office used to be occupied by founder Dewitt Wallace, who, along with his wife, Lila Acheson Wallace, launched Reader's Digest in 1922 with condensed articles from other publications.
Portable pedal machines could be used in every office to improve the health of workers, according to scientists in the US.
We're new in East Asia, so we have to be careful in choosing the location for our regional office.
It can be pretty tiring though, and it means you're out of the office a lot in the autumn and the spring, so we try to share the work between the three of us.
This is, in any case, the right conversation to be having now as Mayor Megan Barry takes office.
The company pledged to cut 600 back-office positions, though some 150 workers in those roles would be reassigned to other jobs.
Mr. Smith can't be in the office, because he has gone to Chengdu on business.
In any given office, employees can range from age 22 to 70 and beyond, and finding common ground in communication style can be a challenge.
The idea would be to install a source in each room of an office building, factory or home, giving wireless power throughout.
Although we would all love to be Ms Popular at home and in the office, at work the task is not to be liked, but to be effective, says computer sales executive Andrea.
You want to live at the office in a startup, so why not have a place designed to be lived in as your office?
When Charlier rides the metro back to his office, a few of them will be in the plastic bag at his feet.
Mandating specific times they need to be in the office hurts the chances of that.
A thermometer in the office detected when it was getting too cold and sent a signal to the network requesting that calculations be diverted to the servers in the office.
This building dates from 1560 and used to be an office building. (Uffici means office in Italian.)
If you are stuck in the traditional mindset, think hard about what things really need to be done in an office.
Or perhaps your boss has handed you a hot lead from Lapland — will anyone be in the office to take your call?
With the invention of modern laptops, ubiqity of broadband Internet access, and advances in communication software, there is no longer a need to be in the office.
Your boss will be more receptive to meeting with you if she knows you'll be in and out of his office quickly.
For the application that manages patient information at a doctor's office, you want patients to be able to enter in data that would otherwise have to be collected by office workers.
We all have to pay the bills, but sometimes the office is literally the last place in the universe you want to be.
Leno asked if it was fair to be "judged so quickly" after less than two months in office.
If you worked in a global bank, it would be easy: you could send him off to set up an office in Kazakhstan.
I don't want to be like the lone columnist in a newspaper office banging away on an old school Royal typewriter, though that is a pretty cool image.
The cause of death was "yet to be ascertained," said another official in the coroner's office.
"The cause of death was" yet to be ascertained, "said another official in the coroner's office."
"The cause of death was" yet to be ascertained, "said another official in the coroner's office."