You find that with any existing simple "noise-meter", vehicles which are judged to be equally noisy may show considerable difference on the meter.
If the students did not use their cell phones, there would be a photo on the screen of the bracelet to show that.
The two giant pandas will be on show from 2017 to 2019 to confirm our long term conversation partnership promise between China and Canada.
Students do not merely benefit while at university; studies show they go on to be healthier and happier than non-graduates, and also far more likely to vote.
Burberry's change of marketing strategy to make a product available as soon as consumers see it on the fashion show did not turn out to be as effective as expected.
Studies in restaurants show that the tips left by customers who pay their bill in cash tend to be larger when the bill is presented on a tray that bears a credit-card logo.
This could be the number of search results on a page or the amount of detail to show about an item.
The maps on National Geographic's website illustrate how interactive maps can be used to show worldwide trends from collected data.
The 2014 football World Cup, to be held in Brazil, should provide an opportunity for the hosts to show what they can do, both on and off the pitch.
Titan looms just over the thin rings, while dark ring shadows on Saturn show the Sun to be above the ring plane.
Climate experts say data for the first decade of the 21st century will likely show it to be the warmest on record, with 2009 its hottest year.
But he said there was unlikely to be much strategy for use of the sports stadiums beyond putting on a good show and demonstrating wealth and largess to the outside world.
Aerial photos always seem to be breathtaking and different, as they show all the objects on earth from a new perspective.
Willis Conover wanted to be able to play more of the jazz music that he loved on his radio show. He did not like the restrictions of commercial radio.
The CP variable could be built on a single line, but we broke it up to show the various JAR files required.
Cp变量可以构建在一行上,但是为了说明所需的不同JAR 文件,我们将其拆开分行显示。
The fonts on the buttons can also be changed to fit in with the rest of the site or if the color doesn't show up clearly on the new button image.
Clubbers will be asked to have their right index finger scanned and show picture identification to register on the system.
This command must be run while the defragmenter is active on a partition to show the defragment operation in progress.
They could also exchange their empty bottles for presents such as lanyards, bags and ponchos, which proved to be very popular as it threatened to rain on the second day of the show.
参观者还可以用他们手中的空瓶兑换手带,环保袋和雨披等小礼品。 音乐节第二天在天空阴沉快下雨时,雨披一下变得非常畅销。
Luxury camping doesn't need to be experienced at some snobby retreat - you can take your show on the road and pick your own path with the Crystal Bubble Portable Home.
But, the real star of the show has to be that little boy standing on the left [zoom in].
Some people, after listening to Wen’s reason, show mercy to him. Some law workers even cast doubt on whether Wen should be identified as murderer.
I feel sure that with continued support we will be able to show significant progress building on this year's work.
Then I claimed I'd blown the speech on purpose, because I always wanted to be on this show in the worst way, and now I am.
The second scenario is based on the first and is used to show how mediation policies can be conditionally applied based on which operation is being called.
When you know other people are counting on you to be at a workout, you're more likely to show up.
When you know other people are counting on you to be at a workout, you're more likely to show up.