Be sure to do a LIST TABLESPACES SHOW DETAIL to look at the state for all of the table Spaces and make sure that none of them are OFFLINE.
一定要使用LIST TABLESPACES SHOWDETAIL查看所有表空间的状态,确保没有一个表空间处于OFFLINE状态。
If you do decide to de-normalize, be sure to document this thoroughly: describe in some detail, the reasoning behind the de-normalization steps that you took.
While I'd love to talk about future strategy in detail, I am sure I'd be in hot water for spilling all the beans.
He is obsessed with technology, making sure to calculate every detail, like exactly how much slack needs to be in a wire.
Just be sure to imagine every outcome in detail, not just the best or the worst ones.
U. S. officials later asked Collins to undergo hypnosis and treatments of sodium pentothal (a "truth drug") to be sure he relayed every detail of the incident truthfully and correctly.
With Mercury retrograde, you can be sure that messing up on even one minor detail is likely to be noticed and held against you.
I'm sure that my attention to detail and to high-quality work will be an advantage for your company.
You will want to be sure you triple check every detail at work before handing in any projects to your boss or client.
Many more improvements and minor fixes have also been included to the vector editor in this update, so be sure to check out the release notes to view them all in detail.
In order to ensure that your personal safety and reduce unnecessary accident happened before installation, please be sure to read the rules in detail, in strict accordance with the tip to operate.
Background: in a one-semester class, one can only cover a fraction of networking topics, and there are sure to be projects where the background material won't be covered in too much detail.
In a one-semester class, one can only cover a fraction of networking topics, and there are sure to be projects where the background material won't be covered in too much detail.
In a one-semester class, one can only cover a fraction of networking topics, and there are sure to be projects where the background material won't be covered in too much detail.