The president has ordered emergency measures to be taken in response to the disappearance of the flight.
They waited at the door in groups to be taken in some conveyance that I couldn't see.
Mr Thomas was glad enough in such circumstances to be taken in tow by a friendly native.
A short list of the steps to be taken in order to create a group for online collaboration.
Urban housing Units, to be taken in the housing ownership and land use rights of state-owned collection process.
Names of this kind, such as Grace, are to be taken in their spiritual or theological sense, not their physical one.
The paper also gives the range of stability of key block of voussoir beam and measures to be taken in various conditions.
The body is to be taken in a 30-car motocade on Thursday the 130 miles from his home in Los Angeles to the Neverland ranch.
他的遗体将在星期四,由一支30辆车组成的车队护送,从130英里外洛杉矶(Los Angeles)的家中出发,运抵梦幻庄园农场。
While homework submissions can often be completed by uploading them onto the system, exams often have to be taken in person.
Optimism about Africa needs to be taken in fairly small doses, for things are still exceedingly bleak in much of the continent.
Every time we launch a new advertising campaign, for example, people inside the company are the first ones to be taken in by it.
It is important to determine the web width because the high and thin web was used to be taken in order to save steel quantities.
The pathophysiology, symptoms, and signs are discussed along with basic steps to be taken in the evaluation, diagnosis, and management.
Each of these techniques works better in a particular kind of scenario and due care needs to be taken in deciding which one to use when.
Such measures as strengthening legal system and enforcing credit morality have to be taken in order to set up credit and honesty system.
The method significantly weaken cylinder, body vibration caused by randomness of assemble, and is easy to be taken in industry practices.
She added: 'Websites like Facebook and Twitter can be enjoyable and addictive but, like with everything, it needs to be taken in moderation.'
Care needs to be taken in this sort of configuration to ensure that that all interaction with the database is consistent across all applications.
The characteristics and the steps to be taken in designing of new series for high voltage flame proof three phase induction motors are discussed.
With permutation and mathematical statistics, this paper analyses and exposes three Kinds of lottery, and thus exhorts people not to be taken in.
Lastly, programs on emergency methods to be taken in the accidents are put forward based on the results of urgency plan of oil pollution in port.
In personal form, that third conviction-that people are to be taken in full, not in formulae-runs throughout, and was surely one source of Berlin's charm.
You may lose your substantial control over the information, and may be subject to others to be taken in the name of your actions are legally binding constraints.
The function of hot screen, the effect of eliminating hot screen on sintering operation, and the counter measures to be taken in design and production are discussed.
But research cannot just lead to more research. We believe action needs to be taken in the next two to three years. In three to five years even bigger steps need to be taken.
Through brief analysis of common rollspalling form, this paper puts forward the precautionary measures to be taken in cold rolling wokroll's use, maintenance, management and so on.
For the echo process, you need some steps to be taken in a certain sequence, so you add a sequence as the top-level activity activity and then populate it with a receive and reply later.
For the echo process, you need some steps to be taken in a certain sequence, so you add a sequence as the top-level activity activity and then populate it with a receive and reply later.