Lifts stopped working, so that even if you were lucky enough not to be trapped between two floors, you had the unpleasant task of finding your way down hundreds of flights of stairs.
This causes air bubbles to be trapped in the oil creating foam.
Leave me and go, if you don't want to be trapped in the demon world.
Leave me and go, if you don't want to be trapped in the Demon World.
Some 40 schoolteachers were believed to be trapped under one of the buildings.
I don't want to be trapped in my tiny little world, wasting the precious times.
You could flee into the woods to escape zombies only to be trapped there with a software issue.
A family of 10 is believed to be trapped in their collapsed home near the epicenter, NET reported.
There were continued concerns for an estimated 200, 000 civilians believed to be trapped by the fighting.
With many more of its 380,000 residents reported to be trapped or missing, that toll is sure to rise.
It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.
Simulated annealing tends to be trapped in local optima, but it also possess powerful fine adjustment ability.
The defendants seemed to me to be trapped still, and forever, in this drugged state, in a sense petrified in it.
An industry with strong developing and manufacturing but weak marketing is bound to be trapped in a vicious circle.
Volume trapping: fields now include volume trapping attributes, which allow objects to be trapped inside volume fields.
Vergil: Leave me and go, if you don't want to be trapped in the Demon World. I'm staying, this place was our father's home.
The surface structure and deep structure of the novel reveal that Moll is doomed to be trapped in the inescapable cycles of fate.
At least 24 men are thought to be trapped but the exact number underground at the time of the incident remains unclear, the agency said.
To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time, the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation.
Experts insisted they had ventilation and water of a sort-when a mine caves in, water flows to the bottom, where the workers were believed to be trapped.
For complex functions with high dimensions, general particle swarm optimization methods are slow speed on convergence and easy to be trapped in local optima.
For complex functions with high dimensions, canonical optimization methods are easy to be trapped in local minima and simple random search methods are slow on convergence.
People should be afraid to be trapped on somebody's tricks and they always pay more attention, but maybe they haven't been aware of the circles which they draw for themselves.
Particle Swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is a population-based global optimization algorithm, but it is easy to be trapped into local minima in optimizing multimodal function.
For the light to be trapped in two dimensions, the object's surface needed to be smooth enough to cleanly reflect most of the light into the oil layer rather than scattering it at all angles.
The traditional fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm is an optimization algorithm based on gradient descending. it is sensitive to the initial condition and liable to be trapped in a local minimum.
传统的模糊c -均值(FCM)聚类是一种基于梯度下降的优化算法,该方法对初始化较敏感,且易陷入局部极小。
The traditional fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm is an optimization algorithm based on gradient descending. it is sensitive to the initial condition and liable to be trapped in a local minimum.
传统的模糊c -均值(FCM)聚类是一种基于梯度下降的优化算法,该方法对初始化较敏感,且易陷入局部极小。