There were continued concerns for an estimated 200, 000 civilians believed to be trapped by the fighting.
Unable to drink from water trapped by tree leaves, she would have had to venture down to the lake to drink. This would have proved to be a fateful decision.
Else, it's easy to become trapped by our own to-do lists, which is ironic given that they are supposed to help us be more productive in the first place.
Many men daydream about getting the girl by rescuing her from a dangerous situation--without the slightest wish to confront armed thugs, or be trapped in a fire on the 23rd floor.
We desire that immediate help be given to the local villagers who have been trapped by the flood.
So you can't be trapped in gender stereotypes, by playing into them or by feeling that you have to act in the opposite way.
Allison, Stark and Henry can't disconnect Jack without risking his death, but as long as the device remains on, Jack will be trapped in its world, forced to play by its rules.
Apparently trapped by levees that were unable to prevent flooding, water rests on what would normally be dry land, leaving nearby communities underwater.
This leaves a relatively small amount of concentrated waste trapped in an encased cartridge to be disposed of by the most economic of legitimate means.
During the recovery of the US, European countries such as Greece seem to be deeply trapped by the sovereign debt crisis, which makes the future of the recovery process dim.
But on September 20, 2010 this lake at the end of the supposedly trapped waters was expected to be drained of floodwaters in 35 days, by October 25.
But on September 20, 2010 this lake at the end of the supposedly trapped waters was expected to be drained of floodwaters in 35 days, by October 25.