If it won't move you'll have to bring more force to bear on it.
I bring a million preconceptions to bear on what I take to be a simple act of looking.
Who among us could imagine the sacrifice you would be asked to bear on that terrible day?
He brought such pressure to bear on England and France that they consented to attend a conference.
Prof: yes that's a bit of background information that you may bring to bear on this particular argument.
This disruption is expected, since we're bringing a new approach to bear on an often deep-seated problem.
Her shoulders seemed to bear on them the very image of our land-grave and aspiring, eager yet contained.
Middlemen add value when they bring taste or judgment or trust to bear on a transaction that isn't transparent.
Then, whether natural or artificial, the full weight of synthetic biology can be brought to bear on the problem.
What if all of this computing power was brought to bear on the problem of safe, autonomous navigation for robots?
In Italy, you should never underestimate the amount of finesse brought to bear on the most elemental of pleasures.
Pressure should also be brought to bear on drug manufacturers who still haven't lowered the costs of pediatric drugs.
Their technology is one way to bring the accelerating advances in robotics and computing to bear on the energy problem.
Volunteers would attempt to control the outcome with whatever supernatural forces they could bring to bear on the problem.
Next year, Professor Claypool will bring his expertise to bear on WPI's new interactive media and games development major.
On other, on other grounds You, a professional economist, do not bring your expertise to bear on this man in evaluating him?
It brings a broader community to bear on the implementation of the software and will undoubtedly result in stronger software.
Weather records constitute another widespread source of data that can be brought to bear on the problems of regional productivity.
Bring some productive social pressure to bear on your learning by telling friends, family members, or colleagues what you plan to do.
The greatest civilising power that can be brought to bear on these uncivilised Europeans crowding into our cities lies in the public bath.
The high pressure roller mill brings still high pressure to bear on the particle beds and makes them destroy inside to numerous tiny cracks.
"Now they can bring a distant expert to bear on the problem," said Ross Mitchell, a medical professor at the Canada university who worked on the study.
And more pressure will be brought to bear on central Banks in Europe, Japan and emerging markets to lean against this with depreciations of their own.
Let us consider a person who privately holds opinion "X" but has, as a result of pressure brought to bear on him publicly stated that he believes "not X."
I believe you owe it to consumers, ahead of the winter, to explain how cost changes, including falling wholesale costs, are likely to bear on future energy bills.
The reader who approaches this book more or less unprepared will perhaps be astonished at the amount of historical material I bring to bear on my investigation.
It is amazing how an existing data set typically used for improving search quality can be brought to bear on a seemingly unrelated issue and can help to save lives.
It is amazing how an existing data set typically used for improving search quality can be brought to bear on a seemingly unrelated issue and can help to save lives.