The two walls are to bear the weight of the room. You mustn't remove them
And they are known to have used wooden pulleys, which could have been made strong enough to bear the weight of massive blocks of stone.
You can use the same thickness for heavier use, but should be cut a little smaller, so as not to bear the weight of the crack.
And according to expert calculations, the Angle at which our big heads look down forces our spine to bear the weight of approximately 60 pounds.
When heavier firepower was required, ARCs donned specialized armor to bear the weight of reciprocating quad blasters, PLX-1 portable missile launchers, or Z-6 rotary blaster cannons.
当需要更强火力时,ARC穿上专用盔甲去承担四联装往复式爆能枪、PLX - 1便携式飞弹发射器或者Z - 6旋转爆能炮的重量。
Yet it is doubtful whether the proposition is strong enough to bear the vast weight of generalization that has been placed on it.
Then, whether natural or artificial, the full weight of synthetic biology can be brought to bear on the problem.
Leonardo more or less invented the sketch, as a way to make drawing bear a greater weight of exploration.
They were never intended to bear the weight developers have loaded on top of them, and they've been creaking for years.
The faltering performance of stockmarkets added weight to the idea that they are stuck in a long-term bear phase, akin to that seen in 1929-49 or in 1965-82.
Movies can be as a very important medium to transmit and also can bear the weight of the culture.
Rameses: (Chuckles) Moses, I cannot change what you see. I have to maintain the ancient traditions. I bear the weight of my father's crown.
The pier of the bridge has been so badly damaged that experts worry it is unable to bear weight.
This kind of Internet environment cannot bear this weight and actually it serves more as a contrast to the reality of the lightness of the system.
This article discussed the large military shelter structure design, and according to bear weight condition of the shelter, the strength and rigidity are finite element analysed.
Right now, what we should consider is how to let our commodity bear the weight of feeling.
Our slogan is: bear the weight of your cargo, march to everywhere of all over the world.
Then I went down the ship's side and tied them together, and laying a few short pieces of plank upon them, I had a raft strong enough to bear a moderate weight.
We have to bear the weight and the constrain of love, to enjoy the tiresome yet soothing burden of the love of our family.
"With the help of media, which can enlist other members of the media, the weight of public opinion can be brought to bear," he said.
The igloo can now withstand the weight of a massive polar bear, should one happen along and have the urge to play "king of the mountain."
The igloo can now withstand the weight of a massive polar bear, should one happen along and have the urge to play "king of the mountain."