They will tum out to be the second-largest species of birds to become extinct.
While rare animals are most likely to become extinct, other animals are not safe, especially when they are caught and killed in large Numbers by man.
Taking the absolute point of view, humans would be justified in allowing any species to become extinct if it would take extraordinary efforts to save it.
Sheila Conant: We used to have birds that pollinated specific species of plants, and some of those plants have become very rare because their pollinators have become extinct.
If certain species should become extinct, Kraemer saysthere would be enough of the basic building blocks to reintroduce the speciesin the future.
As the global language of the modern world, it now has lots of local variants-some recompense perhaps for the words it helps to obliterate as more and more languages become extinct.
Throughout Oceania more than 1200 bird species have become extinct and climate change is threatening to worsen the crisis, it warns.
He took his knife and fork, and was going to commence eating, when the inclination appeared to become suddenly extinct.
As other large dinosaurs became extinct, this left the path clear for Raptorex to expand in body size and ultimately become the giant Tyrannosaurus rex.
Some species of animals have Become extinct Because they could not adapt to a changing environment.
All women have to do is solve the reproduction problem, which is certainly doable, and men can become extinct.
Secondly, , wild animals lost their natural living environment owing to vegetation destruction, so some animals now become rarer and rarer besides of macro-animals being extinct, and so on.
指出正是由于不合理的人类活动,对汾河上游流域的环境产生了重大的影响,造成了植被的破坏、野生动物濒临绝迹、水土流失和土地退化的加剧。 。
The main thing to remember is, even in the last ten years since I collected them, they have become harder and harder to find, and many are now extinct, except for my digital record.
If we dont put an end to the trend, then the fish in the ocean could become extinct species in the foreseeable future.
If most women 500 years ago chose not to marry or to have at most two babies humanity would become extinct because many babies didn't survived at those times.
Secondly, wild animals lost their natural living environment owing to vegetation destruction, so some animals now become rarer and rarer besides of macro-animals being extinct, and so on.
Can we continue to "be" on this planet, or will we become extinct like the dinosaurs?
Professor Stephen Hawking, the renowned astrophysicist, warned that the human race would become extinct if it were not to look to the outer space within the next 200 years.
In another few hundred or thousands of years, humans may become extinct due to lack of water.
Humans hold their fate much more in their own hands than any other species past or present - if we do become extinct it will almost certainly be down to our own actions.
Currently, there are fewer than 25,000 polar bears roaming the Canadian Arctic, and some populations, such as those along Hudson Bay, could become extinct within a century, according to the WWF.
现在,生活在北极圈内的北极熊越来越少,在加拿大境内只有不到2万5千只。 世界野生动物基金会更指出,生活在哈德逊湾一带的北极熊将在一个世纪内灭绝。
Currently, there are fewer than 25,000 polar bears roaming the Canadian Arctic, and some populations, such as those along Hudson Bay, could become extinct within a century, according to the WWF.
现在,生活在北极圈内的北极熊越来越少,在加拿大境内只有不到2万5千只。 世界野生动物基金会更指出,生活在哈德逊湾一带的北极熊将在一个世纪内灭绝。