That makes it more urgent for China to boost domestic demand, she said, since world markets will likely be unable to absorb the surplus.
Others turned to fiscal and monetary stimulus to boost domestic demand, a policy Germany is now being urged to follow by some of its euro-zone peers.
It will also mean more trials for the dollar, which has fallen 10% against major currencies since Bernanke said in August that the Fed would do anything to boost domestic demand.
Besides discussing China's economic recovery and ways to boost domestic demand, he says a big focus of this trip is potential cooperation between the World Bank and China in Africa.
We mainly rely on expanding effective domestic demand, particularly consumer demand, to boost economic growth.
The creditor nations could boost domestic demand, to provide a bigger market for debtors' exports.
All economies should maintain the continuity and stability of their macroeconomic policies and take more solid and effective steps to boost consumption and expand domestic demand.
Countries that have relied on exports to drive growth, from China to Germany, will slump unless they can boost domestic demand quickly.
German wages have been squeezed for a decade; faster wage growth would boost domestic demand and help to reorient Germany's economy (see article).
America would ask China to revalue its currency and boost its domestic demand. But it was also keen for China to keep buying its public debt.
Those deals plus higher domestic demand are expected to boost Sinotruck's sales to 190,000 this year.
"Some taxation incentives are also likely to be included in the stimulus package to help boost domestic demand," Yin said.
"Some taxation incentives are also likely to be included in the stimulus package to help boost domestic demand," Yin said.