Cutting-edge medical research is examining ways to tailor the body's own antibodies or to create new antibodies to boost the immune system of patients suffering from cancer or serious infections.
For those Guests who enjoy a traditional Thai Massage combined with a choice of uniquely blended hydrating Aromatherapy oils to give the dual benefit of relaxation and help to boost the immune system.
For example, social contact can boost the development of the brain and immune system, leading to better health and less chance of depression later in life.
The goal is to train the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells bearing these peptides; the vaccine would also contain substances designed to boost immune response.
The study tested a two-vaccine combination in a "prime-boost" approach, where the first one primes the immune system to attack the HIV virus, and the second one strengthens the response.
It is thought that exposure to allergens - from cats and dogs - could boost the immune system.
The expectation of watching a comedy video was enough to raise levels of feel-good endorphins and boost amounts of a hormone that helps our immune system fight infection.
Commonly used asa cheaper substitute for ginseng, the herb is believed to lower blood pressure, boost one's immune system and improve appetite.
Milk of human kindness: Georgia Browne is giving her father Tim her breast milk to boost his immune system in the fight against cancer.
图释:善良的甘露(Milk ofhuman kindness见注):乔治亚·布朗将自己的母乳给父亲服用,帮助他提高免疫以对抗癌症病魔。
A Chinese herb called astragalus can boost your immune system and help you fend off infections, from the common cold to swine flu, according companies that sell it.
据销售黄耆的公司称,这种中草药能够提高人体的免疫力,帮助预防从普通感冒到甲型h1n 1流感在内的各种传染病。
Having endured her maladies, Ackerman talks to TIME about whether we'll ever have a cure, why you probably don't want to "boost" your immune system, and the medicinal merits of good old chicken soup.
Prime-boost techniques, which are also being developed to attack malaria, work mainly by stimulating another part of the immune system-one that kills infected body cells rather than "naked" pathogens.
Prime - boost技术,这种技术也正在被用呢帮助人们摆脱疟疾,它工作原理主要是通过刺激免疫系统的组成部分之一T细胞,直接把感染了病毒的人体细胞杀死,而不是去和那些“赤裸裸”的病原体搏斗。
Instructor Nira Berry said, a good giggle can boost the immune system, reduce stress, help to kill pain and improve mental clarity.
Here are some simple steps you can take to boost your immune system: Ease up on the sugar.
Immunotherapies which boost the immune system to recognise and target cancer cells have quickly become one of the most exciting areas of cancer research.
The researchers focused on phytonutrients – plant compounds believed to boost the health of the eyes, bone, heart, brain and immune system, cutting the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
Chinese herb called astragalus can boost your immune system and help you fend off infections, from the common cold to swine flu, according companies that sell it.
据销售黄耆的公司称,这种中草药能够提高人体的免疫力,帮助预防从普通感冒到甲型h1n 1流感在内的各种传染病。
Chinese herb called astragalus can boost your immune system and help you fend off infections, from the common cold to swine flu, according companies that sell it.
据销售黄耆的公司称,这种中草药能够提高人体的免疫力,帮助预防从普通感冒到甲型h1n 1流感在内的各种传染病。