At school, they are taught to keep a respectful distance when GREeting a stranger, to shake their hand and to bow the head just ever so slightly.
Tie them to the saddle-bow: very slack so that I can do what I like with my head.
Blue was the chosen hue for this racegoer, who looked like she had a giant gift bow stuck to one side of her head.
since then the devotee use to bow his /her head before it at the time of worship specially in the morning time .almost people never consider thangka as an object of decoration.
Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear and despair—these bow the head and turn the growing spirit back to dust.
Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear and despair - these bow the head and turn the growingspirit back to dust.
Methods To do quality control experiments to simulate the process of 3D-CRT by means of Topsland system, radiation treatment -planning system, laser light, bow form ruler, head model.
The hunter first bowed to the head and then raised his bow, pulled back the cord and let the arrow fly.
Forced to bow his head in the ritual kowtow, he kept trying to raise it.
You bowed to me and ran to the take the exams as if relieved of a heavy load, with the bow on your head dancing in the wind.
The careless, half-humorous shrug thus hears a visual affinity to the nod or bow of submissiveness and also to a turtle's retraction of its head into its shell.
I bow my head in awe in front of our creator son and Esu, who are working so relentlessly under full power, just with small breaks to relax from viewing all the mess down there on the planet.
So, lifting your head disturbs the bow wave - it's a vicious circle. Instead of doing this, trust the pocket to be there and keep your head low.
With victory assured, Maynard placed Blackbeard's head at the bow of his ship as a trophy and warning to other would-be pirates.
Then better for thee to bow down thy head in submission, and put thy trust in the All-Merciful Lord.
祂实现的是祂的意愿, 祂命定的是合祂心愿的事项。既然如此,你最好低头皈依,信任满怀慈悲之主。
Then better for thee to bow down thy head in submission, and put thy trust in the All-Merciful Lord.
祂实现的是祂的意愿, 祂命定的是合祂心愿的事项。既然如此,你最好低头皈依,信任满怀慈悲之主。