But we don't correctly weigh the cost (the three seconds it takes to buckle up) against the risk (death).
Let me play the safety cop and remind you to buckle up, and make sure your wheels aren't on fire when you drive!
Part of the problem is low life expectancy—most Russian men won’t live to see 60, due mainly to factors like alcohol, drugs, suicide, and a reluctance to buckle up.
United spokeswoman Robin Janikowski said the policy applies to passengers who cannot buckle up with a single seatbelt extender or lower the armrests or who infringe on their neighbours.
Just taking the time to clean up a bit before you buckle down for the day is never a bad idea.
The guest officer after listen to, loudly say: big deal still you are, when I haven't eaten, say and throat, the hand buckle up everything just eat something in underground.
No. According to advocacy group Bark Buckle up, most families aren't taking the proper precaution.
不。根据倡导者团体BarkBuckle Up所说,绝大多数的家庭并不采取任何适当的预防措施。
According to advocacy group Bark Buckle up, most families aren't taking the proper precaution.
根据倡导者团体BarkBuckle Up所说,绝大多数的家庭并不采取任何适当的预防措施。
With a team like this, James and Cleveland are now the center of the sports universe. Buckle up - it is going to be a fun ride.
To ensure passenger safety, we ask that you buckle up your seatbelt.
Then I'm going to buckle it up, grab my coat, go downstairs, and check out of this fleabag.
I see, over there, in a bottom up inverse buckle on the beach next to the boat, are a group of right from the fields of wheat harvest back people, they talk about this year's harvest.
The perfect way to shake off winter's remains is to hop in the car, buckle up and put the pedal to the metal.
According to the new law, all drivers and passengers must buckle up.
As we celebrate this holiday season, the Plano Police Department would like to remind everyone that they should buckle up, drive sober, and obey our speed limits and traffic laws.
As we celebrate this holiday season, the Plano Police Department would like to remind everyone that they should buckle up, drive sober, and obey our speed limits and traffic laws.