A song he'd heard on the radio drifted into his head, a woman wanting to burn down a whole town.
It is just like the person who says, "Don't buy insurance for your house this year; it's not going to burn down."
That incident prompted hundreds of Serbs to burn down several Albanian shops and to damage cars with Kosovo license plates.
Since it is already evening, your body will have a hard time to burn down the calories because you are about to go to sleep.
Mr Samoilenko says those behind the illegal logging set fire to his car and then tried to burn down his parents' house, but failed.
But in 1997 two witnesses who claimed that Mr Richey had previously threatened to burn down the apartment, retracted their statements.
In addition, the group had threatened to burn down the Strip's Internet cafes and called for people on the beaches to dress more modestly.
He argued against my plan to burn down my boss's house: "If you do something silly and they put you away, you cannot look for another job."
He told Emperor han Wudi that the Jade Emperor, the highest god in Heaven, had ordered the Fire god to burn down the capital city of Chang 'an on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month.
If the probability is 1 in 1,000 that a house burns down and there are 1,000 houses, then the probability that they all burn down is 1/1000 to the 1000th power, which is virtually zero.
To keep people on the ground safe, it's best to deorbit a spacecraft with a strong burn of propellant, to slow it down at the right time.
Luckily, if your body needs to heat up more, you will burn more calories, so this might mean that it is actually better for you if you should choose to turn the heating down a couple of degrees.
Basically, weight management comes down to this: the more active you are, the more calories you burn.
Many of Haiti's people, the poorest in the Americas, routinely cut down trees for fuel—either to burn "raw" or turn into charcoal.
"I thought it better to let the house burn down rather than spend good British lives in rescuing those ferocious rascals," wrote Churchill.
Plus, if you ingested something that burned going down and you force yourself to vomit, it will burn on the way back up too.
When moving to the next topic I also plot the next item on the burn-down chart.
With the cooling system down, the water that surrounds the nuclear fuel rods began to burn off.
The Olympic torch did not burn properly during the opening ceremony, an ice-making machine broke down as did several buses, and unseasonably mild weather caused events to be postponed.
I get fire insurance on my house and so I behave badly: I deliberately burn the house down to collect on my insurance.
Now, there are good reasons to believe that the G.O.P. isn’t nearly as willing to burn the house down as it claims.
The challenge is to make sure data mining doesn't become data strip mining - that we don't burn down the forest to make a lot of money quick but with no long term value.
I also like fireworks, but I let them off in gardens and kebab stands, I didn't burn the house down," joked the Swede in relation to Balorelli's recent misdemeanour.
The sticky note remains on the chart. When the team does their sprint retrospective, the can easily refer to the annotated burn-down chart to help them remember the key events of the sprint.
And dead, because all you've done is burn them down to a Cursed Charred Skeleton which is +5 invulnerable to your fire.
Mike Sutton uses annotations to capture more data on the burn-down chart, making it even more useful during the retrospective.
Mike Sutton uses annotations to capture more data on the burn-down chart, making it even more useful during the retrospective.