BUBBLES are supposed to burst with an audible pop.
Fit to burst with anger, Matilda had confided to her son how George had furiously…gotten their own two-thousand-dollar cache of savings.
马蒂尔达气得肺都要炸了,她告诉儿子说,乔治曾大发雷霆地…拿走了他们自己积攒的两千块现钞。 收藏。
He fell to the ground and, covering the cold marble with kisses, burst into bitter tears.
Since most camera flashes emit IR along with their burst of visible light, the one substitution allowed the prototype to transmit and record infrared light.
So this had been a trick to lure the tiger from the mountain! Zhu Laogong's lungs nearly burst with rage.
With very little equity in their homes to protect them from a drop in prices, lots of high-risk borrowers quickly became submerged when the bubble burst.
Moments later, as his spirit left him, quote: “the sun burst forth and shone directly on him with that brilliancy which he loved to gaze on, and transferred to his paintings.
The fastest time to burst three balloons with the back is 12 seconds, set by Julia Gunthel, aka 'Zlata' (Germany) on the set of Guinness World Records in Cologne, Germany, on 23 November 2007.
2007年11月23号,Julia Gunthel以12秒用背部挤爆3个气球的成绩创下了世界纪录。
Last week after dinner, I was walking with a friend through the village, explaining to him how the real estate bubble had burst in Vail.
They burst out of the chute at top speed only to be stopped short — clotheslined — with a choking rope around the neck.
The belief is that this creates a state of 'artificial hibernation' that slows the body and blood supply, which gives doctors more time to deal with burst or blocked blood vessels.
The young writer should learn to spot them - words that at first glance seem freighted with delicious meaning but that soon burst in air, leaving nothing but a memory of bright sound.
In spring, caterpillars time their emergence to coincide with the bud burst of trees; birds start nesting when they can feed those newly emerged caterpillars to their fledglings.
The current crisis started with a burst housing bubble, which led to widespread mortgage defaults, and hence to large losses at many financial institutions.
Place berries in a pan with 700ml water, simmer untill fruit starts to burst.
Engineers have been forced to release water downstream. With cruel irony, the overflow has helped to burst the river's Banks in the city.
I wondered whether we burst into existence already joined, or were two separate entities who chose to cling to each other, forcing our backs to grow bone tangling with bone.
If you put a bladder that is filled with air and tied up, into the pipe of a heated stove, the air inside will expand so much as to burst the bladder with a loud report.
If Marius had been Courfeyrac, that is to say, one of those men who laugh on every occasion in life, he would have burst with laughter when his gaze fell on the Jondrette woman.
The bond bubble is getting ready to burst, which will collapse the U. S. government debt bubble with it.
The campaign also appears to have miscalculated with a last-minute burst of negative advertisements in Wisconsin.
Though they burst into the workforce with expectations of fun and fulfilment (leading employers to grouse about their sense of entitlement), they have been delivered a slap by the recession.
With cruel irony, the overflow has helped to burst the river's Banks in the city.
Every scene - every frame - comes tainted with the nagging, lingering whiff of deja vu; a sense that there is an altogether better movie nestled deep inside, waiting to burst forth.
I'm not sure he has lost pace. I still think he has that but what you lose with age is the capacity to repeat the pace. But over one short burst I'm sure he is still very quick.
Landlord Will Segar said Zhu refused to turn on the heat in the apartment he rented with two others, and as a result the pipes froze and burst.
房东Will Segar表示朱海洋曾拒绝打开与其他二人合住的屋内的暖气,这导致后来水管爆裂。
Landlord Will Segar said Zhu refused to turn on the heat in the apartment he rented with two others, and as a result the pipes froze and burst.
房东Will Segar表示朱海洋曾拒绝打开与其他二人合住的屋内的暖气,这导致后来水管爆裂。