It wants to call over the troops for an attack, so it releases bacteria encoded with packets of information in the form of DNA.
She dragged him to the bed in the room adjoining and came out into the hall to call over the telephone for the doctor, as I have related.
WangXiaoGong zhang to put all of the drug to call over all of the drugs in their acquisition, and then he took home to buy all of the drug.
A dirty spoon or a fly in your soup are good reasons to call over your server. But to fuss over every little thing will most definitely be a turn off to your date.
A new system allows a combine harvester, say, to send a call over to a tractor-trailer so the driver can unload the grain as and when necessary.
The food industry will be alarmed that such senior doctors back such radical moves, especially the call to use some of the tough tactics that have been deployed against smoking over the last decade.
Waving or pointing to an Arab business person would be considered rude because that is how Arabs call their dogs over.
At first, consumers reached the Internet through a call over a telephone line to an internet-service provider.
The process of what you call 'death' is not complete until the soul 'passes over' to 'the.
This entry point is the URL that clients call over HTTP POST to execute SugarCRM web services methods.
there’s an ultra-rare blizzcon special drop. if you get it you’re supposed to call a bliz guy over and they’l give you one of 200 game posters the whole team has signed.
Once we have a delegate type in the metadata and a target function we'd like to call, we must form an instance of the delegate over a target.
So we gave the Plumber King a call and invited him over to fix a broken toilet.
It's responsible for locating the server object (wherever it may be over the network) and then sending the stub's call to the server.
Surly is my hero. Had he waited just five minutes to call for me, it would have been too late, game over.
Yes, you could call it the herd mentality spilling over to the Internet, but if it works, it works!
Whether he has stepped over the line from offence to harm is here a judgement call, one on which intelligent people can disagree.
Hinduism is a modern invention, a label to put over whatever people in the subcontinent practice that relates to something that we would call gods.
But with this extended structure in place, you could make the method more robust by retrying the call a few more times or failing over to another URL-shortening service.
But it is not, and in the next few steps of our trip we have to mold our data and method call into a form that will allow it to be carried over the network and then used on the other side.
Banks may call in loans, or refuse to roll over short-term credits.
European rivalry over that first call is matched when it comes to the first meeting.
News seems to move faster than small boys can scramble and dart to tell it, faster than women can call it over the fences.
More importantly, just as you determine who can see your bachelor party photos, you will soon have complete control over who has access to call you and who doesn't.
It may be too early to call the 500 a flop, but a lackluster start has cast a shadow over CEO Sergio Marchionne's grand plans to expand in the U.S..
Send an email or pick up the phone and call those people you wish to see over the holidays.
Nina confronts Jack about the key card exchange and offers to call Division if he does not turn the original one over.
And as Mourinho attempted to call a truce in his war of words with Wenger over their achievements, he again demonstrated that humility is not part of his character.
Now, you can can build indexes over XML data, and perform shredding using a call to a stored procedure.
Now, you can can build indexes over XML data, and perform shredding using a call to a stored procedure.