This selection means that the main page is sent to the browser (or the Lotus Notes client) after a Submit or Cancel button (explained later) executes.
The objective of the Cancel button is to return to the view mode, without saving the preferences in the ItemSet.
I presume it's not only acceptable, but also required to have a cancel button for things like downloading files?
If your application has a button to cancel a long-running operation but you're doing work in the UI thread, the cancellation event won't be delivered until after the operation has finished!
In Application Developer, the progress dialog for the Visualize command has a Cancel button (Figure 2), which can be used to abort the command.
To check the function of the button is correct: If the update, cancel, delete, save and other functions are correct or not.
For the Cancel button, you want to remove the existing code and replace it with the last line from the Submit script.
Many dialogs include a Cancel button, so you first need to find the dialog TestObject that contains the correct Cancel button.
To find more common button labels, such as Cancel, you may need to develop more general methods that find any button that exists in your application.
This works similarly to the cancel button that you saw earlier, transitioning back to the previous page.
This is a great opportunity to review your selections; if anything is wrong or missing, click the Cancel button to return to the Plugin selection and Customization page.
No options were selected to be installed. Select a feature or use the Cancel button to exit setup.
Many base units have an alarm button on the front to trigger the alarm (although you're more likely to use your personal alarm button) and a cancel button to cancel an accidental alarm call.
If you choose to cancel and your device is unresponsive with black screen just hold the power button until it reboots, this is normal.
For a form that allows irreversible operations, such as deletions, it's a good idea to make the Cancel button the default command button.
In a typical print operation, for example, an application begins sending the 20 pages of a report to the printer and simultaneously puts up a print process dialog box with a Cancel button.
Login with your user id (your email address) then click on "MY SERVICES" and click on the "MORE INFO" button next to the package you wish to cancel.
用您的用户名(邮箱)登陆,然后点击“MYSERVICES”,然后点击您想取消的计划旁边的“MORE INFO”按钮。
When clicked, you can control the information displayed in the box. Click the cancel button to cancel the Edit.
We are going to create two test methods, one for testing the OK button, and the other for testing the Cancel button.
Edit: When clicked, you can control the information displayed in the box. Click the cancel button to cancel the Edit.
If you click on the top right of the "have to" button, is to cancel to participate in the event. This button will also become "join" words.
They also provide a convenient place for the Cancel button, so it is a very reasonable compromise to fling up a process dialog for the duration of a time-consuming task.
In window-based GUI applications, it is standard to have a Cancel button that closes any dialog box and discards any changes the user may have made within that dialog box.
If you do not want the system update and want to cancel setup then press the cancel button.
Occurs when the user clicks the cancel button to cancel changing a password.
Hydraulic system in the bed to the lateral casting tank, the station platform for the relocation of station and button electronic hand wheel with the hoisting of heavy cancel button stations.
If you have chosen Mode automatic, then a sound will be automatically played, and in order to cancel it press stop button.
Select the item (s) from the list that you'd like to cancel and select the "cancel item" button.
Notice that the copy dialog in Figure 24-5 also has a cancel button. Ostensibly, this satisfies requirement number four, that there be a way to cancel the operation.
注意图24 - 5中的复制对话框还有一个取消按钮,表面上这可以满足第4个要求,即一定要有取消操作。
Notice that the copy dialog in Figure 24-5 also has a cancel button. Ostensibly, this satisfies requirement number four, that there be a way to cancel the operation.
注意图24 - 5中的复制对话框还有一个取消按钮,表面上这可以满足第4个要求,即一定要有取消操作。