Her bravery has given him the will to carry on with his life and his work.
She is determined to carry on with her education.
We decided to carry on with this farce.
An online backup, unlike the offline backup, allows users to carry on with their normal tasks.
We come to carry on with our discussion about the transformations taking place on your world.
Although the famous dancer had cancer, she decided to carry on with her career as if nothing had happened.
Almost as pressing a question, and one also muddied by nationality, is whether to carry on with the bond purchases.
Do European citizens have the will to carry on with further enlargement (big majorities in France and Germany oppose Turkish entry)?
To carry on with the material & weight amazement further the thick concrete basin counter is cantilevered from the floor to ceiling mirror.
To make things worse, many of the men have gone off to cities in search of higher pay, leaving women from nearby villages to carry on with the work.
I will learn to carry on with every good-bye I say at school this week. I will remember my friends and acquaintances and idols, and I will wish them the best of luck in life.
A quick, 20-minute power nap can revitalize us just enough to carry on with the rest of the day, but any longer than that and our ability to tell the time goes out the window.
She married him shortly after he was diagnosed with ALS, fully aware of the dreadful, progressive nature of the disease, giving him hope and the will to carry on with his studies.
However, the failure parameter of the generator follows the Gauss distribution, therefore, the analytical study of its reliability is difficult to carry on with the common analytical method.
I hate it when she calls me at work—I'm always too busy to carry on a conversation with her.
Her bravery has given me the will to carry on with my life and my study.
I hate it when she calls me at work — I'm always too busy to carry on a conversation with her.
The web's full of articles offering tips on making time to read: "Give up TV" or "Carry a book with you at all times".
Now take up that basket, and go on to the Pure Drop Inn, telling them to send a horse and carriage with a servant here quickly, to carry me home.
I know you carry on with some girl named Zhu. You're just trying to get round her.
As soon as you recognize these thoughts creeping in, it's time to stop them dead in their tracks and carry on with your plans.
There was no alternative to his coalition with the Northern League, he said, and it was his "firm intention" to carry on to the next election, due in 2013.
For example, as we will describe in the fault handling section, you might want to ignore certain faults and just carry on with your process.
Physicists, though I love them, can be among the most difficult scientists to to carry on a conversation with.
Upset me! Well, I ... you know, I always ... knew it was coming, but I managed to live in denial, and carry on with the character and not think about it.
It would be yet another example of an entity that falls within the gray area of regulation, allowed to carry on its merry course with not very much oversight at all.
It would be yet another example of an entity that falls within the gray area of regulation, allowed to carry on its merry course with not very much oversight at all.