He told me to be watchful on the way and be careful not to catch cold at night.
Yes, but I was weak and used to catch cold when I was little. I looked pale at that time.
Black-browed Zhao said with affection and consideration, "It's midnight, take care not to catch cold."
Don't overfatigue yourself because fatigue predisposes one to catch cold. Otherwise , morning exercise is good for your health. You'd better do it regularly.
Painless visual attention only after the flow of people should not drink cold water, not to catch cold, can not eat spicy things, painless visual flow strengthening nutrition, will soon restore.
You typically catch a cold when an infected person sneezes, coughs or shakes hands with you. It may take a few days for the symptoms to appear.
Merely being exposed to a new cold virus, however, is not enough for a person to catch a cold, since a strong immune system can successfully fight off some new viruses.
He concluded the signalling with a cheery thumbs-up sign, as if to say that he hoped the figure feltreally fine about being cold and almost terminally wet, and he would catch him the next time around.
They were 50 percent less likely to catch a cold if they took a daily dose of vitamin c.
He enjoined me to be alert all the way for fear to catch a cold at night.
People who sleep less than seven hours a night appear to be almost three times as likely to catch a cold as those who sleep eight hours or more, a new study has found.
Allergic constitution of the external environment, climate change, easy to catch a cold, too sensitive causing pharyngitis.
While the marshmallow is treated as a candy rather than medicine, it wouldn't hurt to buy abig bag and 'experiment' for yourself next time you catch a cold.
When we catch a cold, the virus stimulates membranes in the nose to produce clear mucus.
If suffer from a cold to notice the avoid on food eats even acrimony excitant food, do not want bathing shampoo to wait first as far as possible, lest accentuate because of catch a cold illness.
Ann: Yes, it will damage your lung, and next time you will be easy to catch a cold.
We should do our best to keep our parents warm in the cold winter, so that they won't freeze or catch cold.
Second, try not to breathe in through your mouth directly when running, because of the cold air directly into the abdominal cavity, easy to catch a cold, have a stomachache, so should be shut up.
And this a moment he finally faints on me, the expiration gradually stops, my hub of palm began emitting sweat, though I catch a cold towards saving a human not, I kill folk is no to my appetite both.
Some people feel dizzy and have no strength to do their work, some people are easy to catch the cold.
Today is Monday, March 25, outdoor in windy, cold, ask the students to wear more clothes, lest catch cold.
You "catch," or acquire the cold by having hand-to-hand contact with someone who has a cold or by using Shared objects such as doorknobs, computer keyboards or telephones.
Mum…warm honey with anise and milk…delicious! I want to catch a cold too! Brrr!
I talked with my friends that it is easy to catch a cold in such changing weather.
I talked with my friends that it is easy to catch a cold in such changing weather.