Think of the car diagnostics check as log analysis: a way to check through all the different diagnostics the car keeps in order to figure out where the problem is.
Puppets need the ground only to glance against lightly, like elves, and through this momentary check to renew the swing of their limbs.
People often check what is happening in the world on the Internet, keep in touch with friends through emails, or even start to read e-books.
Users access the security portal to check their computers, and they get the results either on the portal or through email.
A thriving economy will generate great fortunes, but there is good reason to check these becoming entrenched through inheritance.
Legibility is usually measured through speed of reading, with comprehension scores used to check for effectiveness (ie, not a rushed or careless read).
He read the letter, skimming it line by line, dashing through the editor's praise of his story to the meat of the letter, the statement why the check had not been sent.
The ANSI T10 standard provides a way to check the integrity of data read and written from the host bus adapter to the disk and back through the SAN fabric.
ANSIT10标准提供一种方法检查从主机总线适配器 (HBA)通过SAN 光纤写到磁盘和读取回的数据的完整性。
Select the Advanced tab, and then select the check box for allowing other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection (see Figure 6).
You can check to see if the hrtimer has activated its callback through a call to hrtimer_callback_running.
For example, if the click-hold times are "197 10 10," the checkDynamics subroutine will work through necessary permutations to check "192 5 5," "203 15 15," and everything in between.
例如,如果单击按住时间为“19710 10”,checkdynamics子例程将遍历必要的排列以检查“192 5 5”、“203 15 15”及两者之间的排列。
(This feature has to be enabled through a check box on the Ribbon menu, but it is a standard feature of Word 2007).
(该特性必须通过功能区菜单上的一个复选框来启用,但是它是Word 2007的一个标准特性)。
You can walk through and check every room of your house and see if you need to make any changes in the decorations or furniture placement.
AE has seen projects which took 4 months to go through the legal procedures because the beneficiary wants to check each line of the contract.
Rather than wade through this bureaucratic minefield, some simply choose to fly "off the grid" and not submit flight plans or check in with nearby air-traffic controllers before taking off.
A powerful feature is the ability to collaborate through check-in, check-out, and version control to manage the files in a content library.
So he and his staff had to go through each patient's chart to check medications.
Personal trainers can range in experience and ability so be sure to check out their credentials before hiring anyone and make sure that they are really going to put you through your paces.
To check in and check out files and folders, repeat Steps 1 through 3.
At least check your E-mail or read over a project you have to work on in the afternoon while you are munching your way through that tuna sandwich.
Pale and shaking, Ned quickly turned to check if Susan was all right. When she nodded, Ned relaxed and looked through the rain soaked windows.
The only way to get to this page is through a form submission; users have to choose which products they want to compare by using check boxes.
He goes on to note that sufferers of this form of abnormal jealousy often exhibit behaviors such as calling the mate repeatedly to "check in" and going through the mate's telephone and address books.
Getting through a business lunch in which no one pulls out a phone to check their messages now counts as a minor miracle in many quarters.
If you need to check email, resolve to fire through it as quickly as possible, then close your inbox and move on to your most important task.
A year ago, prior to the appointment of Guardiola, it was possible to keep -barcelona in check and Manchester United went through to the final on a 1-0 aggregate.
在瓜迪奥拉还未上任的一年前,遏制住巴塞罗那并非不可能,曼联便是以1 - 0的总比分晋级决赛。
That also cuts down on having to scream in frustration at 7.59 a.m., while frantically searching through your pockets, cursing the amount of stuff you own and have to check before you find your keys.
Before you enroll to take classes through an online school, check to make sure distance learning is really right for you.
Before you enroll to take classes through an online school, check to make sure distance learning is really right for you.