Last autumn in Tokyo, some runners wore crazy costumes and ran a full marathon to collect money for charity.
An activity will be held in the park in a few days to collect money for the poor children.
When her classmates got to know this, they all began to sell their old toys, clothes and books to collect money too.
We volunteered to collect money to help the victims of the earthquake.
Meanwhile, Mr. Belnap was reaching out to friends and starting to collect money.
Her mother gets cancer so she sets out to collect money from her mother's debtors.
You would organize the items, display them, and be there throughout the sale to collect money.
We do not need to collect money, property or children, but instead we need to collect more merits.
Maybe I can sell my things or other artists' things, or we can set up a account to collect money to them.
The frequent visits have also generated rumors among the villagers, with some claiming that Fan is using his son as a tool to collect money.
Enterprises shall recognize revenue when merchandise shipped, service provided as well as money collected or rights to collect money obtained.
Now I've noticed in talking with big customers, the application that allows them to collect money from customers, is often very high priority for them.
Groups of 10 contestants are left“homeless”for one night without cash or credit cards and compete against work mates to collect money by busking* or begging.
Not only various kinds of drinks and food were offered for sale, but special games and prizes were involved as well. A flea market was also held to collect money.
It shows that “days’ sales outstanding” (DSO)-or the number of days it takes companies to collect money owed to them, often by other firms-hit an average of 41 in 2007, up from 39.7 in 2006.
Expert Comment: the housing purchase intention money, makers of the provisions of all sorts of pretexts, in order to reach the buyer to collect money to obtain unjust enrichment and set a trap.
It is now free for organizers to collect money with their groups, and free for all contributors using their debit card for payments (a standard 3% processing fee still applies for credit CARDS).
Workers may put up with such Big Brother-ish monitoring because oDesk guarantees them payment for any work they complete, saving them the hassle and risk of attempting to collect money from employers.
Actors were thrown money on the stage and they would kneel down to collect the money.
Of course the tax collector managed to collect more money than he paid to the ruler.
Of course, the tax collector managed to collect more money than he paid to the ruler.
The man liked to collect such things as books, drawings, clothes, money, animals, flowers, and also hoped that his things would be well kept and so visited by people after his death.
Each city bus can collect up to 550 pounds of plastic bottles and cups every day. The collected bottles are sold to recycling companies and the money earned from it goes toward running the bus companies and providing money for green spaces in the city.
He was still on the road, but now managed a group of panpipe musicians from Bolivia, even dressing up himself as an "authentic" Inca warrior to sell CDs and collect money from the audience.
A virtual tip-jar allows artists to collect extra money from fans or raise donations for their favorite cause.
After a good performance during Elizabethan England, actors were thrown money on the stage and they would kneel down to collect the money thus' breaking 'the line of the leg.
The economists acknowledge that taxation always imposes economic costs, both because money is needed to collect taxes and because it distorts people's consumption and work choices.
The economists acknowledge that taxation always imposes economic costs, both because money is needed to collect taxes and because it distorts people's consumption and work choices.