A numerical example shows that this method is effective and easily to come into use in the fields of top coal caving mining and coal mining under water bodies in future.
Many other factors come into play for the entire search engine ranking, including — but not limited to — your links in and out, your use of redirects, and other infrastructure concerns.
Facial expressions, gestures, and your position-whether you decide to stand, sit, or use a lectern-all come into play.
Use your creativity to come up with ways to fit exercise and healthy eating into your life in a way that works for you.
Many fashion designers continue to use fur in their collections, and campaigners have expressed fears that it has come back into style.
You can use stored procedures that come with InfoSphere Warehouse to extract this information into result sets that can be consumed into Cognos.
可以使用 InfoSphere Warehouse附带的存储过程将该信息提取到结果集中,以便 Cognos 进一步处理。
By the same token, the technology being used to extract oil today has been in the works since the 1970s. It will take a long time for the next generation of clever kit to come into widespread use.
Then we come to energy. We need to turn anger into energy and use it to take action productive action that is.
The UI researchers say it will take several years before the treatment could be approved and come into general use, even if it is shown to be effective.
But we were pulling ourselves through - I had started to come out the other side, where you start to ease into that unsettled feeling and use it to drive yourself forward.
When you step into the trap of depressed mood, you can jump out of the trap, if only you pretend to use your good mood to keep with others, the happiness of life will come to you naturally.
The integrated factors come into being by adopting the way of the analysis of the factors through which the cluster analysis are taken to use.
In order to withstand high loads, as is found in practical circumstances, solid cast iron bearing end shields come into use.
It has come into our focus to use renewable energy for energy - efficient in the architectural design.
The first ones to come into wide use—glowing a space-age red—turned up in the clock radios, pocket calculators, and digital watches of the 1970s.
A ban on the use of Blackberry phones to send and receive messages is due to come into effect in Saudi Arabia.
You know. when he was a kid he used to love to come into the office. he use to sit behind my father's desk. write memos, and then read the ticker tape.
Once the new system come into use, Luxehills owners should bring with the electricity card and go to the local electricity office to pay for the bill or use IC card.
Taking all these factors into account, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that technology may be beneficial or harmful, depending on how we use it.
Sometimes an artist will feel that their machines must have come into contact with the sensitivity of the world has continued to use the opportunity to open the doors.
Due to the limit of response speed of the present single-photon detector, the code rate is still too low to come into practical use for the present quantum key distribution (QKD) system.
The system was originally created to help cosmetic companies reproduce colors by giving them the exact amounts of dye required for each. The system has now come into use by many industries.
There are four main holidays in China according to the lunar calendar, which is said to have come into existence for several thousand years and is still in common use today.
Meanwhile, 500 new environment friendly buses will come into use and short distance bus will be open in the third and fourth level roads and streets to reduce citizens'walking distance.
It's difficult not to come into contact with parabens - they are used in so many products that we use daily.
It is hard to believe that automobiles, radios, motion pictures, frozen foods, electric refrigerator, to mention only a few items, have come into common use within thirty years.
It is hard to believe that automobiles, radios, motion pictures, frozen foods, electric refrigerator, to mention only a few items, have come into common use within thirty years.