They're talking and laughing, but the festive mood is about to come to an end.
The good news for the doubters is that his streak is set to come to an end this year.
But it will have to come to an end one day, which raises the question of who will follow him.
His family holidays about to come to an end, Fran will soon head back to London, Arsenal and his English classes.
Are cliffs years of hanging from a cliff about to come to an end? -no, we must leave this magnificent creature here.
It's like the world's not going to come to an end whether Britney Spears does or doesn't pull through for what people thinks she needs to do.
The Mexicans also practised a similar purification at the end of every fifty-two years, in the belief that it was time for the world to come to an end.
As we reported earlier this week, the retrial of Jammie Thomas-Rasset, who was accused of illegally sharing 24 songs on Kazaa, was about to come to an end this week.
We warned that the Serpentine Dance between Planet X and the Earth, where they roll together creating the regular daily Earth wobble is to come to an end, and the month of July, 2010 was inferred.
All good things must come to an end and on the last day of school, Dale showed up as a soldier and stood next to a sign saying "It's been fun waving at the bus. Have a great summer."
But with the resulting bubble contributing to a deep recession, US tolerance for this mercantile sleight of hand has come to an end.
Human effects on the climate notwithstanding, the cycle will continue to turn, the interglacial will some day come to an end - and the ice sheets will descend again.
All good things, though, come to an end, and the reign of these scientific aristos is starting to look shaky.
Even VCs who come from technical backgrounds, perhaps as CTOs or VPs of Engineering, don't really set about trying to efficiently allocate dollars towards research as an end to itself.
Because of it the words come to an end, and yet end not; the utterance is over, but not its ring; and the ear and the mind can go on and on with their game of tossing the rhyme to each other.
The time has come to put an end to impunity and welcome justice back into Argentina society.
Whether or not the New York prosecutor is right to think Mr Strauss-Kahn guilty, his professional life has now come to an end.
These are steps that can only be taken at the national level, and only by taking on deeply entrenched local interests that have no desire to see this party come to an end anytime soon.
However, their lives have come to an end, and the real sweet homes are now nothing but the shabby remnants of what they used to be.
In any case, there are now signs that the DVD boom has come to an end-which should also encourage the studios to worry less about Wal-Mart and to move faster online.
When you're worried that the world is coming to an end, you don't stop to notice that spring has come early this year.
We hope that disputes and conflicts will soon come to an end and peace and tranquility will return to the Middle East.
The bonus culture must come to an end and it must come to an end in Pittsburgh.
Instead, the trick is to come to an understanding that everything works out in the end and there is nothing that could happen to you that you can't find a way to deal with.
Instead, the trick is to come to an understanding that everything works out in the end and there is nothing that could happen to you that you can't find a way to deal with.