Like everybody else in the language-teaching business, Livemocha sounds super-confident about its wares, and says that anyone who takes the time to complete a course will gain conversational fluency.
The best way to reduce the number of traffic accidents is to make all young drivers complete a safe driving education course before being licensed to drive.
Of course, due to the difficulty of obtaining complete knowledge over those common business entities, certain extensions are normally required for any specific realization of a business solution.
Once complete, hydraulic jacks will then slide the arch approximately 300 meters on Teflon bearings during the course of a week to enclose the sarcophagus.
Of course, since the talks are still going on, it is still premature to make a complete conclusion of it.
If you've ever taken antibiotics to get rid of an infection, you know it's important to complete the course of treatment-to limit the possibility that a resistant strain will arise.
We have a 3-day course on how to perform a complete round of user testing by actually testing the team on its own project.
In a beta review, the course is approximately 90 percent complete, and is taught to an audience of reviewers.
If you work with use cases and haven't read Cockburn's book, Cohn gives you a complete course on how to write and apply user stories to your project.
This will, of course, be at the expense of increasing average response times between the Rational Requirements Composer client and server, because requests are given a longer time to complete.
This course, NUKE green screen Keying Fundamentals, will teach you how to complete a simple green screen shot and then composite it over a new background.
Always there is a special case, of course, is formed when a websites longer to a set of complete collection system, no matter how many pseudo static parameter is no longer is a must.
The LABS are designed each year to incorporate the information from the course into a complete package.
Employees currently enrolled in a previously approved course will be allowed to complete the course and receive reimbursement.
The site offers a complete set of lab assignments, as well as lab-related handouts, in addition to other materials used by students in the course.
You will not be entitled to a refund if you fail to complete the course for any reason.
Even for the course of that year there is still the opportunity for him to complete a new contract because the offer we have made him remains on the table.
In addition to a complete bibliography of readings in the course, readings assigned by class session are available.
Yes, thank you. And Fried Romaine Lettuce with Garlic Mince. This is the complete course, and a dim sum to follow.
A numerical method to obtain a complete solution of the dynamic response of a variable sweep wing aircraft in the course of changing the angle of sweep is presented in this paper.
Of course, a youth film wouldn't be complete without paying homage to the time period it covers.
This course will cover a complete course in trigonometry and then move to pre-calculus in the last three months of the academic year.
This course features a complete set of readings from the class, including links to online readings, and the assignments from the class.
When you complete the course, you'll have a solid understanding of the VR game development process plus hands-on experience in how to create 3d VR games for Google VR headsets.
当你完成课程,你将有一个对VR游戏开发过程的坚实的理解,以及如何创建3D VR游戏的谷歌VR耳机的实践经验。
This course includes selected lecture notes, links to related resources and a complete set of assignments with solutions.
This course site features a complete set of lecture notes and problem sets, in addition to other materials used in the course's twelve topical units.
This course site features a complete set of lecture notes and problem sets, in addition to other materials used in the course's twelve topical units.