You'll also need to consider carefully how successful performance is measured within your corporate culture.
Cancel the order, we will only refund 50% of the price only. So, be sure to consider carefully before placing an order.
It is important for each individual to consider carefully the possible risks and benefits of a clinical study before making a decision to participate.
To crown your rescue mission with success, you have to consider carefully the task of every single Lemure, because you have to assign them quickly to succeed.
With all those mechanisms, a reconstituted object loses its referential identity, and you have to consider carefully whether your singleton is still a singleton.
However, if you're running a professional business site, you have to consider carefully if you want to detract from your message and professionalism with advertising.
It is essential in making inquires to consider carefully to which regions the inquiries are to be sent and how many suppliers are to be approached in one and the same region.
IOC evaluation commissions will continue to consider carefully the ability of potential host cities to conduct games in a way that is compatible with protecting the environment.
A mobile user will soon accept that searching on a mobile will automatically display results relevant to their location, something that destinations services need to consider carefully.
There are signs the U.S. is gearing to catch up, but for now it's up to consumers to consider carefully before they buy. Here's some suggestions for safeguarding your family's health
When considering adding a feature that has friends, we have to consider carefully whether we really want to invite those friends along for the ride — because we're going to be stuck with them.
This shows that when people have to consider the information they hear carefully, it can impair their driving ability significantly.
You should carefully consider these limitations to produce robust, reliable code, particularly in scientific and engineering applications.
Consider carefully what the problem is and ask yourself what you might do yourself to improve the situation.
The test class represents the usual unit of test execution that occurs while you are developing, and so we should consider carefully how many tests to include in any one class.
While we are always attracted to cut-and-dried answers, it's important to carefully consider the situation and makeup of those to whom we minister before giving counsel.
With the introduction of an SOA, you must carefully consider the execution of existing and new business rules (to support robust execution of services).
Parents carefully consider many factors, including the quality of schools in the area, the cost of living, the available amenities, and safety, to name a few-and this is no easy task.
To gain the efficiency promised by images, you must carefully consider what goes into the image and how many images to build.
Regardless of the motivation, employers need to carefully consider the possible legal implications of adopting policies that target smokers, "said Lessack, the labor and employment law attorney."
When considering script kiddies as threats, carefully consider what their goals may be. This information can yield valuable intelligence on how to protect yourself or your organization.
在考虑脚本kiddy 的威胁时,应该谨慎考虑可能的攻击目标,这一信息可以为保护您或您的组织提供重要帮助。
I think this helps them because gut feelings act as an alarm bell - a reason to consider a decision carefully.
You may want to carefully consider the amount of produce you buy, but you can shop the sales by buying whatever is on sale that week.
There's a growing awareness that we need to more carefully consider obesity and other factors that affect drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and other factors.
By being less reliant on immediate gratification, an older person can take time to more carefully consider actions, making wiser decisions.
It's a method that requires doctors to respond to the patient's cues and carefully consider how helpful the offensive language might be, Zimmerman said.
Each password is carefully named and referred to in the tutorial, but to make life easier, you might like to consider using the same password in all three places.
The requester-side caching pattern can often provide an effective solution to a performance problem, but the architect needs to carefully consider a number of factors.
The requester-side caching pattern can often provide an effective solution to a performance problem, but the architect needs to carefully consider a number of factors.