But a preferred environment doesn't always seem to correlate with greater reproductive success.
First, they explain that if a given variable is playing a role in affecting wellbeing then we should expect any change in that variable to correlate with the observed changes in wellbeing.
First, they explain that if a given variable is playing a role in affecting well-being, then we should expect any change in that variable to correlate with the observed changes in well-being.
Set up the Receive and Reply activities to correlate with the new messages.
SHG intensity has been shown to correlate with the amount of collagen.
Increasing cancer rates appear to correlate with rising levels of pollution.
The information to be presented can be semantically defined to correlate with the user preferences.
Any indirect test method must have been shown to correlate with the condition of the equipment.
When an entrepreneur is raising money with crowdfunding, social buzz tends to correlate with money raised.
The engine might use historical data to correlate with the real-time data and might also store data periodically.
Activation of the latter two structures, in particular, seemed to correlate with the girls' greater language accuracy.
Three of these were meant to correlate with success at trivia: educational level, IQ and previous experience with the game.
It would be expected to correlate with the distribution of planktonic algae-the ultimate drivers of biological productivity.
Just the other day my daughter and I were playing with a number puzzle and using our fingers to correlate with the numerals.
Moreover, these changes in gender beliefs were found to correlate with the teacher's degree of math anxiety (but not her math ability).
It would be expected to correlate with the distribution of planktonic algae-the ultimate drivers of biological productivity.But it does not.
One of the most baffling problems is the failure of some laboratory measurements to correlate with performance in consumer use and care of textiles.
Sea-surface temperatures, which drive the big tropical storms, have been high, and during the past few years have seemed to correlate with increased coldness aloft.
They may not be useful for anything other than trending, and they are quite difficult to correlate with any causal effects that can't be identified through other means.
Increases in intragastric pressure with succinylcholine administration, when they do occur, appear to correlate with the magnitude and the intensity of fasciculations.
CONCLUSION: Proliferation and DNA proliferative fraction in gastric cancer do not appear to correlate with survival, but DNA ploidy can be used as a prognostic factor in gastric cancer.
Finally, changes in cholesterol homeostasis, elements of which have been shown to correlate with A deposition, may exert beneficial effects by preventing plaque formation in the first place.
Methods The measured body parameters and polysomnography(PSG)parameters of 155 patients with OSAHS entered into multiple linear regression analysis to correlate with apnea hyponea index (AHI).
方法将15 5例OSAHS患者的各项身体测量参数和多导睡眠图(PSG)检测参数进行多元线性回归与相关分析。
Currently under way at Merck are Phase III trials of a drug that mimics the action of the CETP variant Barzilai has shown to correlate with cardiovascular and cognitive health in the SuperAgers.
However, as Lawson says, “If people were really voting for other qualities that just happen to correlate with appearance, we would expect the high-knowledge voters to be at least as susceptible.”
Attempts to correlate specific language functions with particular parts of the brain have not advanced very far.
Attempts to correlate specific language functions with particular parts of the brain have not advanced very far.