Sometimes original art works appear questionable or inauthentic because they've had so many restorers add touch-up layers to cover up damage, damage from the paint having deteriorated over time.
Irene's use of the mop had been a calculated attempt to cover up her crime.
We shall have frost tonight. Don't forget to cover up the cabbages with the mat.
It's commonly said that medieval Europeans wanted spices to cover up the taste of spoiled meat.
We shall have frost tonight, don't forget to cover up the cabbages with the mat.
I lie sometimes to cover up whatever it is that needs to be covered up.
You don't have to cover up mistakes but do what's best for the organization.
To cover up [my weakness], I had to ask professors and seniors for help after work.
At CTU, Tony accuses Nina of lying to cover up what happened between Mason and Jack.
At that moment, normally used to cover up the true feelings of the second per capita.
They are completely unnecessary, if you need to cover up on a beach, then just get dressed.
Sometimes we stay busy to cover up some painful memories or emotions that we feel we can't deal with.
Moreover, we had nothing to cover up, and there still wasn't a bit of evidence to indicate that we did.
To cover up unsightly dark circles and reduce puffiness, try Clinique All About Eyes Concealer ($15.50).
Heng shook his head, but after a few moments another SOB escaped, and once more he tried to cover up his crying.
According to the Whigs, Jackson invented the abbreviation "OK" to cover up his own misspelling of "all correct."
根据辉格党人所说,杰克逊发明了“OK”这个缩写以掩饰他自己拼写“all correct”(完全正确)时的错误。
Complexity provides us with many additional sources of excuses and gives us the ability to cover up our failures.
Two girls on Bridgeport's team were so embarrassed they wore football jerseys to cover up during their first game.
TEPCO and Japan's nuclear industry as a whole have been criticised for attempting to cover up accidents in the past.
To cover up those frauds, the fraudsters need to generate fake bank statements and corrupt the confirmation process.
In this step, the script kiddie may employ a technique to cover up his or her tracks or the evidence of the penetration.
It is possible to cover up some signs, but nobody can control all of the muscles in the body (including 90 in the face!).
Richard Rogers offers to cover up railway lines that dissect the city by placing huge green Spaces and networks above them.
There were even rumours that the security agencies staged the explosion to cover up a derailment caused by poor maintenance.
In his cell, T-Bag crushes the brussel sprouts he acquired earlier and spreads the goo throughout his bed to cover up his scent.
Surely there are better, less insinuating ways to cover up or apologize for a drunken photo than legally disowning your name.
After arriving in Barbados on Saturday, the star opted to cover up in a pink patterned beach dress as she played with son Kai.
After arriving in Barbados on Saturday, the star opted to cover up in a pink patterned beach dress as she played with son Kai.