Officers will crack down on lunatic motorists who speed or drive too close to the car in front.
They had pushed the agency to designate the bird as "endangered," a status that gives federal officials greater regulatory power to crack down on threats.
They had pushed the agency to designate the bird as "endangered", a status that gives federal officials greater regulatory power to crack down on threats.
The crack will not impact Bindschadler's expedition and may offer a unique opportunity for the team to measure what happens on a glacier tongue during a calving event.
We maintain that the international community should work together resolutely and take concerted actions to crack down on cross-border crimes, including human smuggling.
The contracting parties shall conduct cooperation to crack down on illegal immigration, including the crack down on illegal transportation of natural persons via its territory.
You can use it repair a leaky toilet, or to fix a crack on a toilet seat.
What is not clear, however, is why Hamas took so long to crack down on the group after the Nahal Oz attack.
Besides that, our parents let us E-mail sometimes, and we still get to talk and crack up together on the phone now and then.
There is fortunately no need for new regulations to crack down on such irresponsible lending practices.
On the other hand, a bank robbery may require firearms, a getaway car, and tools to crack a safe, but these may still not be enough.
PARIS - the British Parliament on Thursday approved plans to crack down on digital media piracy by authorizing the suspension of repeat offenders' Internet connections.
And I've also learned not to save things, why bother, life is short, you might never come back and there are plenty of routes; crack on!
It got so bad that on that night my brother put 20 dollars in that small crack in the wall. He said if I went to the other side of the room I could have the money.
Western donors had hoped that international cyclone relief would crack open the door to broader co-operation on aid, and perhaps a dash of glasnost. There is little sign that it did.
When I was at my Satanic consulting firm, I was lucky enough to come home to a husband who didn't think I was on crack and totally incompetent.
Shandong sports authorities said the move aims to crack down on marathon cheating as some athletes had taken a short cut or even hired impostors to run for them.
They've been kept running by a crack team at Kennedy space Center, allowing the old machines to keep on trucking all the way through the space shuttle era.
Mr. Olmert charged that the Palestinians have not done enough to crack down on militant groups, while Mr. Abbas complained about Jewish-settlement expansion.
As seen on the show Mythbusters, a penny won't pick up enough speed to crack a human skull. Wind resistance makes this impossible event even more unlikely.
The above sketch is intended to crack open the door on the enormous range of possible capabilities, modes, and time-scales of participation by place-owner and visitor.
Some motorists welcomed the rollerblading officers as a time-saving solution, but others said the police needed to crack down on the bad driving that causes the jams rather than just resolve them.
That target will not be easily met, and the looming deadline puts pressure on officials to crack down on heavy energy users.
No longer will she have time to sit on the front porch steps on a summer day and watch an ant scurry across the crack in a sidewalk.
If I asked, she would sprinkle her magic flower pollen on me to make me small, and we would squeeze through the crack in the front door and go off into the woods together.
If I asked, she would sprinkle her magic flower pollen on me to make me small, and we would squeeze through the crack in the front door and go off into the woods together.