It's easy to criticize him, sitting on the sidelines, but this is straight from a playbook.
The leader also needs courage to welcome criticism as well as those who have the courage to criticize him.
Kripke's idea on the essence of the individual is reasonable, and it is wrong for some scholars to criticize him for this point.
Now, I'm not promising that he won't be defensive, but I do believe he'll be less reactive than if you were to criticize him for his sloppy behavior.
They should make him as a part of the Chinese people to understand him, to criticize him, to praise him, and also going to love him and his memory.
Yet it is clear that Xiangzi, too, is meant to be an 'everyman', and by falling victim to 'individualism', the term Lao She uses to criticize him, he has contributed to his own downfall.
Goat in turn tends to criticize Rat's forays into writing, often telling him not to write them at all.
He s the manager's son but that does not qualify him to criticize my work.
He's the manager's son but that doesn't qualify him to criticize my work.
For him, a leader is someone "who will praise and not criticize" in order to "draw out the best in people.
For him, a leader is someone "who will praise and not criticize" in order to "draw out the best in people.